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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    I saw Kung-Fu Panda last night and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm glad I went to a 10:00 PM session so that I didn't have to sit next to two year olds though.
    Anyway I've been wanting to update the Makuta Mistika topic with comic thirteen stuff, but there isn't really that much to update. As a result, I might try and get some of the physics stuff done.
    Other than that, I'm now also playing the original Half-Life games (which are pretty fun) and have been waiting to get my new computer. When I get said computer, I might try and get a new game or two to go with it (Lego Indy for sure as well as maybe Crysis or Bioshock...)
    Anywho, I don't have anything left to say so, see ya!
  2. Adventurer
    I wish the PM system was back up, I want/need to PM EW
    Just a note to others: I am not a staff member
    Another note: smilies need to be used more, in my opinion, they give the forum a happier atmosphere
  3. Adventurer
    A few notices followed by the closest thing you'll see to a rant from me
    HPE/Bioscience - I got 96% on my test, best in the class
    Music - Did my Wolfmother thing today, I got an A
    Saxophone - I'm already better than the guy that's been doing it for a year after two lessons
    English - I'm annoyed. I'll make a list of events that make me annoyed:
    1) I am sick in English.
    2) The day I get back, the teacher tells me that we have to be put in groups for our next assignment. Now, I'm usually all for groups, but I'm with the laziest people in the class >_<
    3) We are writing a script for a play, we each decide to write two minutes of the script each.
    4) The next day, I come to school and go to English, I've done my two minutes, the others haven't. I tell them to get it done by tomorrow so we can rehearse before the weekend.
    5) The next day, none of them have don it yet, we have one day to rehearse, assuming they actually do it.
    6) On the final day we have for rehearsing, they still haven't done their part. I decide at this point to write the whole thing on the weekend and hope that we're allowed to use palm cards.
    7) I complete the assignment and it was very well written I think
    8) Now for what happened today, the teacher tells us we're first! To make matters worse, we're after the best group... Even more depressing, we weren't allowed palm cards!
    9) We struggle through my well written script and the teacher actually stops us before we finish and tells us we all failed! Now, you should know that me and my English teacher don't like each other, so when she sees I'm in the group that did the worst, she assumes it was my fault and I get a double detention for dragging the rest of the group down!
    10) Luckily, my friends tell the teacher that I was the only one in the group that did any work and she will reconsider my score.
    11) I come to do a previous detention with her at lunch and I see her marking out group. I happen to see her saying that we didn't use props or costumes. We did use props and neither of those items was in the criteria!
    12) On my way home on the bus, I am left to ponder whether I should have done the whole thing in the first place so we would have had time to rehearse it, but that contradicts what the teacher said to me when I said that. In retrospect, the teacher got angry at me for what she told me to do
  4. Adventurer
    I saw Indy. I liked it, but I can see a lot of people calling it un-Indy. I won't say too much because my fingers got stuck in the car door and it hurts to type.
  5. Adventurer
    An energy flail, or an energy launcher? I have basically made power point versions of both of them and I can't decide which one. The concept behind the energy flail is cooler, but the energy launcher looks fancier. I can't decide! Any suggestions? Which one do you think you would be more likely to vote for?
    BTW - I'm not showing you the pictures yet.
  6. Adventurer
    Only a few days left until I can get my first Star!
    In other news I can't decide whether to play Mass Effect first in lead up to Mass Effect 2 or to play BioShock in lead up to BioShock 2.... I'm leaning towards BioShock, but Mass Effect 2 comes first...
    Oh and I'm soon going to order a bunch of Bionicle literature of Amazon... I just realised that I'm probably going to have to sell my cat.
  7. Adventurer
    Who else loves those extra chewy tasty Japanese gummies? I really love them, I swear I've been eating them non-stop for the last two days.
    Anyway, I have a whole heap of tests and assignments due in the next week and I fear actually having to do something. I mean I really haven't had to do much this term yet, but now the work load hits....
  8. Adventurer
    This is my third entry of my new blog. If you have any suggestions, let me know
    Today I got a lot of my test results back! For maths, A, English, A German A-, Manual Arts A, Music A+. I also had a science test which was pretty easy so I may have As in every subject this term . Tomorrow I have to give a speech for English, (I have to try and sell a holoiday to another planet ), I hope it goes well. Not much else really happened today. I'll be going to the War of the Worlds musical tonight (I get to see Shannon Noll die ), so I'll give my thoughts on that tomorrow
    I also ordered to Power Packs from anither site ($40 AUD) and I'm considering maybe acquiring an orange Vahi (my old one was stolen with my Onu-Metru Great Disk ), though I'm not sure if I'll be able to afford it for a while. If by any chance you are willing to sell one, please let me know That's about it, I'm thinking of trying to give this blog a more Daxia feeling, maybe a few content block pictures...
  9. Adventurer
    Need I say more?
    Basically at the moment my internet is pretty dodgey and is just dropping in and out almost randomly it seems. I have a feeling more of our neighbours are getting wireless.
    I only have three tests left this term (HPE, Maths and English) so there's not too much more school work to do. However though, I will have a week of complete inactivity due to camp. I'll post a blog entry the day before I leave probably.
    That is all. B)
  10. Adventurer
    IAIA member Takepic would like to inform you that Adventurer was found lurking outside S&T. He abruptly transformed into a new form and took off. Unfortunately, Takepic was not able to follow Adventurer. We need your help to find a picture of Adventurer's new form, help us and you will be given a substantial award.

  11. Adventurer
    Yay they announced a new Fallout game.
    In others news schools back. Yay? I dunno but I thought I needed to make a new entry and the entry needs an acceptable amount of content.
  12. Adventurer
    The Queenslanbd floods reached my LEGO collection, it's still there, but it's very muddy and wet... Also have probably lost a bunch of other stuff including some instructions and electronics. Luckily most of it was in my Mum's house which wasn't affected as badly as my Dad's.
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