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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    The IAIA is proud to announce project REWopzb is under way and is due to be completed in two months. Stay tuned for more information on the progress of REWopzb as we cannot reveal anything as of this moment. We can tell you however that the Cheetahs were making too much noise so unfortunately we had to say "bye" to them.
    In other news, we have lost all contact with agent Spinsmile. We fear for the worst and our team of Nahnah, Dazed and BR have found no clue of where he has gotten too.
    Takepic is still missing, if you have seen him, please inform one of the friendly staff at one of our many convenient locations.

  2. Adventurer
    You know that guy on my friends list called Yorrick Kaine? He had a hypoglycemic attack (he's diabetic and his blood sugar went way too low). So we had to go to hospital and he eventually had to stay over night. Anyway, I went to his brother's place for the night so that was fun.
    Other than that, not much really happened since my last update, though we will be having people over tonight for a Christmas Eve thing.
  3. Adventurer
    This entry is an update on things that happened while BZPower was down!
    My Dad and step-Mum finally got married, it was actually a pretty fun wedding, when you compare it to others... I got a new mobile from my Aunt for Christmas! My new furniture arrived! My banner got taken away because I forgot smilies count as pictures. :blush: I received and read Downfall. I can't really be bothered to go into any real detail, but if you have any questions, just ask (doubt it).
  4. Adventurer
    My list of awards -
    Best Barraki - Ehlek, I love the weapons, the spines and the way the body is built.
    Best Toa Mahri - Toa Mahri Jaller, he looked the most stylish and the Hannah Crab was cute. :blush:
    Best Store Exclusive - Karzahni, mainly because of the story, but the set is pretty cool. B)
    Best Matoran - Dekar, yellow's my favoruite colour.
    Best Hydruka - Thulox, he's got better body armour.
    Best Titan/Warrior - Gadunka, he's very posable and the colour scheme works really well.
    Now for the bigger awards. Each winner of the awards will be given a trophy by the IAIA's leader, Winner!
    Best Canister Set - Toa Mahri Jaller! His prize -
    Best Small Set - Dekar! His prize -
    Best Large Set - Gadunka! His prize -
    Now the big one!
    Best Set of 2007 - Gadunka! His prize -

  5. Adventurer
    I want snow! If any of you have magical weather control powers, please make it snow in Brisbane, Australia.
    In other news, I'm planning on moving another copy of my S&T quote collection to my BS01 user page. I've already made a start, but I've only added about a tenth of the content and it will take years to sort into sections as I plan to do...
    That's all for now!
  6. Adventurer
    I'll be busy the rest of this week as my Dad will be getting married on Friday. Unfourtuneatly, he says I ahve to write a speech by tomorrow and help him out with some stuff *shudder*.
    In other news, I recentley got my 6000th post, the goal I set myself at the start of the year.
    Also, I'm looking for an assistant host for my Relate It To BIONICLE, my game in G&T. If you are interested, let me know. All you will need to do is whatch over the topic when I'm not able to and make sure everyone is following the rules and if you feel it is needed, impliment a new rule (you'd have to PM first of course though. )
    I hope not be too bored over the next week, at least it's better than SOSE in school
    See ya!
  7. Adventurer
    IAIA member Spinsmile has recentley informed us that he has discovered the location of the perfect weapon! For those who do not know, the perfect weapon is a weapon so perfect it can destroy anything instantly. This may be our chance to bring Adventurer down for once and for all. Spinsmile tells us that the PW is located in Norway. The IAIA will shortly dispatch a team consisting of BR, Dazed and Nahnah to assist Spinsmile in obtaining the weapon. We fear that Adventurer will soon send his minions after Spinsmile, so if you have any information on Adventurer's motives or future plans, please let us know.

    In other news, Popcorn was recently involved in a fight against one of Adventurer's new servants. Popcorn tells us that these servants, which we have named "Aemons", are shape shifting creatures made out of light. Our agent Giveup is currently working on an anti-Aemon weapon. We will inform you of any breakthroughs. The IAIA is pleased to tell you that Popcorn is in a stable condition in one of our medical facilities.


  8. Adventurer
    Today is my first days of holiday and I feel happy! As a result, I'm going to do a quick thing of notices -
    This week I made the Official Makuta Phantoka Topic, my first official topic with the FT account.
    I found this picture of Toa Ignika and as a result, Toa Ignika is now my favourite 08 set so far.
    My new favourite smiley is good old .
    I've updated my content blocks and will make them better in the near future.
    That's about it for now.
  9. Adventurer
    Well yesterday was December first, so we put our fabulously decorated Christmas tree up. In fact, I got to put two up, my Dad's and my Mum's. One bad thing happened, it was Side Show's final episode as they have been axed. Well, life goes on. In other news there's only two weeks of school left!
  10. Adventurer
    IAIA member, BR, has located Adventurer in this form:

    It is assumed that it will soon reuse his old form () once he it has realised we have discovered it's new form. BR informs us that Adventurer was wandering around Eastern Europe with a bowl of Gravy. What this means, we do not know.

  11. Adventurer
    Internet has been going in and out over the last few months, but today it was worse than usual. To pass the time I watched High School Musical one and two on channel nine or seven. This is not natural behavior and I want to know if there is something wrong with me.
    PS: I'm using this colour and font now.
    PSS: I changed my avatar and the previous IAIA entry to suit the holiday season.
  12. Adventurer
    IAIA member Takepic would like to inform you that Adventurer was found lurking outside S&T. He abruptly transformed into a new form and took off. Unfortunately, Takepic was not able to follow Adventurer. We need your help to find a picture of Adventurer's new form, help us and you will be given a substantial award.

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