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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Kakaru

  1. Not to burst your bubble, but the bunny fad has already come and gone. The bunny has failed to take dominion of BZPower.

    (Sweet MOCs BTW.)

  2. Nuparu is a psychopath. #corpsemobile



  4. O HAI! You are hands down the coolest MOCer I've ever known.


  5. Oh drat. I'm EXTREMELY sorry about that. It completely slipped my mind until just now.

    Er, I'm not really busy this week, so I'll make that a top priority. Once again, I sincerely apologize for the wait.

  6. Oh wait, yes it is...

  7. Oh wow, your name is related to Portal. You must be awesome.

  8. Oh wow...

    I can't hardly get on for more than an hour.

  9. Oh, it's fine. Not that hard to keep a line in my signature, after all. ;)

  10. Oh, you like Stellar Kart? Cool...

  11. Oh, you like your cat, eh? That's very good news...

  12. Oh. Same with the avvie I suppose?

  13. Okay Andy.

    But doesn't commenting slow the process down?

  14. Okay, I admit it: Your name is the only reason I'm visiting your profile. :P

  15. ONE STAR. HAHAHA. >: )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ezorov


      D: Me neither. Probably just a glitch, though ;)

    3. Kakaru


      It's not, actually.

    4. Ezorov


      Sigh, I know that. Silly Kakaru, stop trying to make me sound like a noob.


      Also, I feel weird for calling you "Kakaru" .__.

  16. Oooooooh!

    It is a Letagi!


  17. Pretty good. A little bogged down with life and whatnot, but eh...

  18. Really sorry about that, I just CAN'T.

  19. Replies to the BZPRPG coming on a weekly basis. Don't expect anything else realistically.

  20. Says one of the co-conspiators of this fad.

    I've already contacted everyone I met, and I'll change it back to Kakaru in about thirty days.

  21. See my blog if you're wondering about the pink. <_<

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