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Blog Entries posted by Voxumo

  1. Voxumo
    So I've been putting off upgrading to windows 10 since it's initial release, however now that it is almost a year later, and the 'Free Upgrade' deadline is approaching, I was wondering if anyone who does use windows 10 could perhaps provide some insight.
    Firstly, is it actually stable yet? I know one of the big problems when it first came out was that alot of people were getting crashed, Blue screens of Death and some computers being rendered unusable.... Is this still occurring on a regular basis or have they finally fixed the problem?
    Secondly, how are you liking it? I mean is it worth the upgrade or is it just kind of meh?
    Thirdly, is there any actual features that just make it stand out from like windows 8? Basically I don't do alot of tech heavy stuff, and I just am curious if it's worth it for me to upgrade from windows 8.1? I mean if there's a bunch of features that I'll never used, I don't see the reason for me to upgrade, especially since as I understand it, it doesn't support Windows Media Player, which sadly is the one media player I have on my computer and use for my playlists and whatnot...
    So yeah, anyone who can answer these questions would be appreciated... I just don't want to do something I'll regret.
  2. Voxumo
    Prior to the Dataclysm syvra had began the process of getting a custom blade created. Sadly not much process had been made on this front though now i am working with Tabby: Toa of Cats who plays the Toa Akiru in hopes of getting her team to possibly create the blade. While nothing is set in stone yet i would like to share my designs for the blade

    While this may not be the most solid of designs it is the best one i could come up with. And before anyone asks the metal of the blade would be protosteel while the rest will be whatever the Toa Akiru feel appropiate
    Also here is a more detailed little bit explaining in depth the injection process. Though the best way to describe the process is like a snakes fang. The actual venom of the snake is not stored in the actual fang but a sac in the head that when the time comes the venom is transferred from said sac to the fang and out of it.

    And here is the full sized version of the picture
    Also as a update here are the mechanics of how to get the poison in
    The Poison is held in a refillable canister that can be inserted into the handle. Essentially the half of the handle is unscrewable. You slide the refillable canister in then screw the bottom half back on and well yeah that is the jist of it. The real mechanics of the blade lies in the bottom half of the handle.
    And feel free to give your opinion on this.. I am all ears
    EDIT: I realized that if i switched the point of the blade to the top it would actually work better for if using the blade offensively it can slice at the target without getting caught on the end.
  3. Voxumo
    I really miss Bionifight. The Senseless fighting, the interesting but sometimes infuriating fighters. Not to mention the wacky methods in which some obtained victory. It's odd that despite everything that occurred during the various bionifights, at least the ones I was in, and the frustration it brought, I looked forward to what each week would bring.
    And before people say 'Why not just join Bionifight Infinite if you miss it so much' let me provide a reason why. I enjoyed the various versions of Voltex's Bionifight because it was pure combat, it was a pleasant escape from the otherwise slow as a snail Bzprpg. I came for the fighting, not for the story is a good summary. I enjoyed being able to skip over someone if they didn't respond in a reasonable timeframe, not constantly having my character stuck in a single scene because joe schmo can't post a reply. It was fast paced and fun. Also each player only having one character to fight with really allowed for some... getting to know your opponent and how they think. Didn't always have to go back and check profiles just to post and hope I'm not confusing one character with another. It allowed for a sort of detailed familiarity, to the point that one could likely even imagine what that character would look like without always having to check the profile.
    Though other two reasons for not joining bionight are far simpler. I've seen the number of pages that topic is able to crank out daily, and I would never be able to keep up, especially considering each person has so many characters all posting in the same topic. I've tried to skim through it on occasion and I just don't have the patience. Secondly I feel like if I were to join now I'd be utterly lost and really under-powered/at a disadvantage with people who have been playing for quite sometime. At least with the old Bionifights most everyone was on even footing each new round, minus the occasion Drift Force weapons, which by the end of the Drift force it seemed a good majority had at least one drift force weapon, making it a bit even.
    Also forgot to mention a third, very important reason. I just don't have the time for another rpg. I'm already trying to keep my characters in the Bzprpg somewhat active, don't think I could keep another character, in another rpg active either. Let alone follow the plot of two different rpgs.
  4. Voxumo
    Serious question... Which version of bionicle heads did you enjoy/find more useful?
    The 2001-2003 heads, the 2004-2008 heads, or the 2009-2016 heads? Mind you, the glatorian, HF, Brain attack and okotan heads are all very similar in my opinion hence why I am clumping them together.
    I personally will always prefer the 2004-2008 heads as I felt they were a bit more versatile.
  5. Voxumo
    Also yes, crummy editing job is crummy. Did not want to waste more time making pretty editing job.

    So jokes aside, a couple days ago I managed to breed a 6 IV Abra, after several months of trying. For those who don't know, since I don't exactly broadcast this, but I've been trying to get into competitive pokemon battle for sometime, mostly failing. I used to just use pokemon that I liked or caught in-game for it, but recently took a more serious note. Plus I felt it was probably the next logical step since I had completed my dex on both Y and Alpha Sapphire.


    I've had help from a wonderful friend I met through Tumblr, who breeds pokemon professionally and runs an advice blog for pokemon breeding, because frankly alot of the finer mechanics of pokemon went over my head. Heck I didn't even know IVs were a thing until late 2013. So yeah she has been a great help.

    So here's the little guy whom I'm so proud of, since it's the first pokemon I've successfully bred

    I decided on the name Synclaire for him, since before him I was using an Alakazam that I raised in Y, just for the main story, named Seymour.


    Also interesting facts, the two missing IVs I ran into most were HP and Attack, with Speed being the one I ran into the least, and this is based on 2 full boxes of just 5 iv abras, not including the many 4 or less iv ones.

  6. Voxumo
    So I'm considering buying a game for my 3DS, something I haven't done since ORAS came out... My 3DS is like the ugly stepchild of my systems. I've narrowed my choice down to the following games.
    Super Smash Bros
    Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
    Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
    Or Wait for Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright to come out...
    Also before anyone mentions it, I know smash for the WIIU is better than the 3DS version, but I do not own a WiiU nor Do I intend on buying one.
    Also if anyone else has suggestions for games, I'm all ears. Just want to make an informed decision.
  7. Voxumo
    So I am planning on taking a somewhat freelance class that a person is offering in photography, and a scholarship I have is able to cover the costs of the class, which includes having to get a DSLR Camera... The director of the class is only allowing Canon or Nikon Cameras, and wants at least a 55mm lens attachment... Odd limitations but not gonna argue.
    Now I've never bought a DSLR camera, nor can I say I ever really have looked at buying them. As such I'm hoping those who might frequent my blog or see this might be able to help me choose which is the better option of the two?
  8. Voxumo
    So I recently received an email from Lego stating they were sorry for some of the errors with the bionicle sets on lego shop at home, and that as a way to say sorry they were offering a code for free shipping. Now luckily before I got my hopes up I read further down and guess what... The code is only valid in the contiguous United States and Canada. This basically means that i'm SOL for using the free shipping since alaska, along with Hawaii, is not part of the contiguous united states.
    So pretty much I have a code that is useless to me. But this irks me so much. It's oh we are sorry lower 48's, here have free shipping. *Alaska and Hawaii stands outside, faces pressed against the glass with big puppy dog eyes*
    Also I'm not sure if giving out the code is against bzpower policies, hence why I'm not.
  9. Voxumo
    The Lightened Shadows are now accepting new memberships
    There is only one restriction Rahi. There is one loophole to that restriction if the Rahi can prove to the council or the council leader, me that the Rahi is sapient then the Rahi can join. We are allowing memberships so that we can have ambassadors/representatives from other dimensions and realities. We had one from the main dimension, Laviki a Toa of Gravity. But due to unforeseen events Laviki is dead so we are needing some one to replace him. Artahka and I have created a way to time travel We took a Kanohi Olmak and A Kanohi Vahi and immersed them into a pool of protodermis and what came out was a mask that allowed time travel into other dimensions and realities but not the Elitari Reality.
    So if you are interested in joining please PM me and give your username or what you would like to be refereed by and if possible what species you are or if your one of a kind. Even if we have someone who is from a dimension and someone else wants to join that is from that same dimension the more the merrier.
    And the only other thing you have to do is put one of the two options below in your signature
    Member of The Lightened Shadows
    you can put this image which is the insignia for The Lightened Shadows in you signature.
    All members that have joined will be added to the list that follows
    Voxumo The Reality Walker, Council Leader of The Lightened Shadows, One of a kind. Onarax, Toa of Light and Fire
  10. Voxumo
    Ok well i recently ordered a 4 custom masks from Modalt's masks on Bricklink and figure i would share them with everyone

    Here is all four of them 2 repaints and 2 fusions

    So here are some smaller pics of the individual mask.
    So really not much here although must say the gunmetal mask is evil to try and make an moc for.
    If anyone has any suggestion on what colors i can use for an moc for the gunmetal grey mask please let me know. Having a hard time with it.
    Link to gallery
  11. Voxumo
    Hey, ever wondered what a lifesize minifig would look like if done out of flesh and whatnot? You haven't? Well you will now. Someone cosplayed as a Minifig but took it a step further than just yellow skin and blocky cardboard.

    I'm not going to go into detail. Think I saw this originally on SourcefedNerd? I think, and figured it might be worth sharing on here. Link to the full Article
  12. Voxumo
    So awhile ago I remember reading some comment on the BBC section of the forums, particularly revolving around a certain contest, can't remember which one, and it was mentioned that there was a certain piece that was allowed to be cut without it causing the model to be disqualified, since most BBC Contests require the use of non-modified parts. If I remember correctly it was stated to be a hose piece, like the one used in the Bahrag.
    However I'm not certain of this, since my memory on it is fuzzy, so if someone happens to see this and could confirm, deny or correct my information, that would be most appreciated since I recently came into a surplus of those pieces. Also if anybody knows if there are any other pieces that are acceptable being cut for BBCCs, that would info would be appreciated as well.
  13. Voxumo
    So I've been thinking about why I didn't really Moc all too much in 2017, and I think I figured out why.
    I was building for others, and not for myself. I do not mean this in a literal sense, but that when I went to build I was always trying to build to meet some standard I imposed upon myself based on those around me. I wasn't building what I truly wanted to build, but I was building to try and compare to the other MOCist's around me. If a moc didn't have a custom torso of some kind, it wasn't worth building was the mindset I'd worked myself into.
    I think this is why all motivation to build in 2017 kind of went out the window. I wasn't enjoying building.
    Now this isn't to say I'm suddenly going to be building only generic HF frame mocs, but if I have a simple concept in my mind, I'm not going to throw it out simply because it's "Simple". I'm going to build what I enjoy.
    Also this isn't in anyway blaming anyone else. I solely worked myself into the mindset I did, I felt I had to build like so many of the popular builders, even if it was only a fraction of a fraction of what their builds are like.
    So yeah, going forward, I might put out more lesser quality mocs, but at least I'll be enjoying it, and hopefully enjoying Moccing will in turn provide more motivation to build more complex mocs.
  14. Voxumo
    Well I recently got Swert's Vahi in the mail last tuesday, and after some building I can say it is officially together. The Entry image shows it's comparison in size with the regular set vahi.
    I want to say thanks to swert again for creating such an awesome piece of bionicle memorable, and being willing to part with it.
    I did infact attempt to wear it, and now i remember why no images of myself exist, except this one now.
  15. Voxumo
    Ok this kind of occurred to me and I am curious what others feel about it.
    Would you rather stay current with a show, or would you rather wait for it to get a decent amount of episodes then binge watch it?
    I was watching SAO II and trying to keep up with it, but after the second episode of the 'mother's rosario' mini-arc I decided to hold off on it till there was a decent amount of episodes. Also I've been without actual cable/dish since I moved so I'm horribly out of sync with recent television so the binge watching works out better for me.
  16. Voxumo
    I had an old family friend come over about two days ago, they brought with them friend's kid who apparently is into lego. Mind you the old family friend is technically the doctor who has dealt with me for the majority of my life, assisted with all the medical i have had and what not, so he knows my ever growing collection of mocs and bionicles. But back to the story. Family friend comes over, unannounced, and brings the kid with him. Naturally I am not prepared for company meaning I don't have socks on. After initial introductions are made the friend asks if the kid could see my collection, which I happily oblige. It's only after the friend asks which of the sets are my favorite, my response being cahdok and gahdok and including what year they were released... The kid speaks up and states 'Oh, that was the same year I was born.'
    Two things crossed my mind that instant. First one being I felt rather older than I should, and had to hold myself back from saying I had bionicles older than the kid, because so rare do I meet another human being in person who I can say that about, let alone that i'm actually older than them, since majority of my 'acquaintances' are older than me. The second thing that crossed my mind was that I suddenly felt short. I'm only like 5'8", and this kid was already a tch taller than me. Add in the age that kid is and the fact he likely hasn't reached a growth spurt yet... it's a bit daunting.
    But alas I held back any urges and the kid even took a picture infront of my collection... Made his day at least and the family friend was appreciative.
  17. Voxumo
    Has anyone else ever had that nagging feeling that they are missing something big? Lately on Bzpower I feel this alot... Like I am missing something important on here.
  18. Voxumo
    Alright, so I don't ever do this type of thing, but I really wanted to give this the recognition it deserves. Mr.Cod, Owner/business partner? Not sure really, of Modalt Masks did a magma themed mask of fire awhile ago. It was beautiful piece. Well today he managed to top it with the Master of Magma!

    I mean it's just beautiful... The attention to detail is amazing. You will notice the magma streaks on the leg armor actually line up despite the gaps in armor, which I find to be an amazing touch. Heres a link to the actual DA page where he posted it.
  19. Voxumo
    You know.. I have recently been thinking. which is a potentially dangerous thing. But I have been thinking, the British have an amazing accent. This revelation came to me while watching The Omen (1976 version). I could not help but listen to the accent and realize how comforting the British accent is. I could be robbed by a British person, at gun point and be the one feeling sorry. 'Oh you want my wallet. Please do take. It is serves no purpose and would look better in your hands.' And vice versa if I were to rob a British person somehow I would end up giving them my money for I would feel immensely horrible.
    It's no wonder the The Galactic Empire was able to invade so many worlds. The world being invaded will just feel horrible if they try to stop the Empire. That is why all the important people in the Galactic empire had British accents.
    And my final note on this. I would prefer a person with an authentic British accent tell me bad news. They could tell me I was going to die in seven days and I would likely be okay with it, 'Oh really? I'm going die in seven days? Well thank you for taking the time to tell me. Hopefully it didn't take too much time out of your day?"
    Here it now, if I have a terminal disease I demand a British person tell me!
    And that is all for my tiny blog entry. Also this is my random thoughts that go through my head at random times... Lack of sleep does this.
  20. Voxumo
    So I'm not a huge fan of videos that explain indepth lore or fan theories about pokemon, aka I never really watch them, however there is one video I watched recently that really intrigued me, and I would suggest watching should you like this type of stuff. It's really well done and really in depth. Also it's about an hour long, but well worth that hour of time.
    Also fairly certain it's safe, I don't remember there being anything that could potentially have it unlinked here...
  21. Voxumo
    Yay! New blog title!
    Felt it was time for a change, and finally I think I found a name for this blog that I can be satisfied with. Heck one could even say there is the possibility for a theme.
  22. Voxumo
    Gedorna toa of gravity
    Gedorna was a ba-matoran from lihkans home land before becoming a toa. He knew lihkan from when he was a matoran. While Gedorna was a matoran he encountered he toa named laviki that taught him some basic combat skills. Gedorna eventually took the role of guardian of his home island after becoming a toa. During his time as sole guardian he fought off an invasion of 200 visorak and prevented a flood from destroying the village by using gravity to uproot trees and boulders to create a makeshift dam. Although he never was comfortable with sharing the role of guardian so when more toa came to help him he took it as a sign that the matoran were not appreciative of his help and left the village in search of someone who was in need of help but never stayed long.
    Gedorna wields a light but sturdy sword along with a projectile weapon that fires bolts of energy. For a kanohi he wears a mask of growth.
    Too many gedorna seems a bit pushy but during a fight he will fight fiercely even sacrificing him self for his comrades.
  23. Voxumo
    So not more than 5 minutes ago my cat, gir, was laying on the edge of my bed sleeping peacefully. Apparently he decides to wake up and stretch while rolling over. Long story short he managed to roll right over the edge, though there was a brief moment where he clung to the sheet with wide eyes before falling to the ground... I have never laughed so hard at my cat. Then when he gets back up he still has this dazed kind of look on his face.
    Mind you this the first time he has ever been that clumsy in four years
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