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The King is Born!



Also yes, crummy editing job is crummy. Did not want to waste more time making pretty editing job.


So jokes aside, a couple days ago I managed to breed a 6 IV Abra, after several months of trying. For those who don't know, since I don't exactly broadcast this, but I've been trying to get into competitive pokemon battle for sometime, mostly failing. I used to just use pokemon that I liked or caught in-game for it, but recently took a more serious note. Plus I felt it was probably the next logical step since I had completed my dex on both Y and Alpha Sapphire.


I've had help from a wonderful friend I met through Tumblr, who breeds pokemon professionally and runs an advice blog for pokemon breeding, because frankly alot of the finer mechanics of pokemon went over my head. Heck I didn't even know IVs were a thing until late 2013. So yeah she has been a great help.

So here's the little guy whom I'm so proud of, since it's the first pokemon I've successfully bred


I decided on the name Synclaire for him, since before him I was using an Alakazam that I raised in Y, just for the main story, named Seymour.



Also interesting facts, the two missing IVs I ran into most were HP and Attack, with Speed being the one I ran into the least, and this is based on 2 full boxes of just 5 iv abras, not including the many 4 or less iv ones.


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Not shiny.



Pss-shaw, let us not judge one based on their shininess, for one's shininess does not denote their value or worth.

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I remember back when Pokemon Gold version was the hip and happening thing at my school and everyone was always making fun of Abra. "Lol all it does is teleport it's worse than Magikarp," They would say. I proceeded to teach it Shadow Ball, Ice/Fire/Thunder punch and challenge my friends to a battle. It wasn't a sweep or an easy win, but after that Abra wasn't the worst Pokemon anymore.


Congrats on your Abra, and I must admit I'm a bit jealous which is why I'm sharing that story. I hope it grows into a great Alakazam- or stays as an Abra and kicks butt.

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I remember back when Pokemon Gold version was the hip and happening thing at my school and everyone was always making fun of Abra. "Lol all it does is teleport it's worse than Magikarp," They would say. I proceeded to teach it Shadow Ball, Ice/Fire/Thunder punch and challenge my friends to a battle. It wasn't a sweep or an easy win, but after that Abra wasn't the worst Pokemon anymore.


Congrats on your Abra, and I must admit I'm a bit jealous which is why I'm sharing that story. I hope it grows into a great Alakazam- or stays as an Abra and kicks butt.

It's funny actually, the friend I mention, she and I often battle for fun and to test our teams, she told me that when she was a kid, Alakazam was like a God, and that she always feared going up against one.

But how could people not like Abra, it's such a cute little sleepy head, WHO WILL TEAR YOUR MIND TO SHREDS!!!

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I wan't to know how to do this.

I must spend hours attempting to breed perfect pokemon for my team.


Not shiny.



Wonder trade is a better option.

You may get something good.

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Wonder trade is a better option.


You may get something good.


Take good care of Zigzagoon!


Far to often does that happen, Though to be fair I only use wonder trade when I'm trying to clean up after trying to breed pokemon. Like for example, right now I have two full boxes of various 5 iv abras... I have no use for them, as such to wonder trade they shall go.

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Wonder trade is a better option.


You may get something good.


Take good care of Zigzagoon!


Far to often does that happen, Though to be fair I only use wonder trade when I'm trying to clean up after trying to breed pokemon. Like for example, right now I have two full boxes of various 5 iv abras... I have no use for them, as such to wonder trade they shall go.


At least you don't have so many Squirtles that it fills up 4 boxes.



And counting.

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