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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Argetlam

  1. Argetlam
    Our telecommunications provider is repairing the collective damage to their lines from our winter, and as such, we've been without phones and internet for at least the past 24 hours. Luckily, our school seems to have implemented a backup provider, so there's still some internet access at school (where I am now). I'm not sure how long I'll be without internet at home, so for however long that is, I won't be able to access BZP at all from there. Also, as such, that means no Hunters or online Brawls for those of you whom that might concern until our internet is restored. Believe me though, once it is, I'll be back on the computer to let you all know.
    *waits impatiently*
  2. Argetlam
    Got a few friends who have purchased some airsoft guns, and I've been tempted to do the same.
    I have a few ideas for models and types that I'd like, but I'm not entirely sure...
  3. Argetlam
    Prom is going on right now, and I'm safe and sound at a friends house over 30 miles away.
    I haven't even touched a computer for almost 36 hours, so hopefully that'll explain my absence.
    Also, been playing Platinum. Got all 8 badges, captured Giratina successfully, and have my pokemon between level 46 and 52.
  4. Argetlam
    Yeah, I haven't made it onto BZPower in over a day, and I'm sure a few of you have been wondering what's up. Well, yesterday began the "week of prom", and tensions that I didn't think could get worse have. At present, I'm working on making the pamphlet for prom, a task that I took in exchange for doing some of the more daunting tasks of prom. As an added bonus, I can make the pamphlet alone, without having to be with my emotionally unstable classmates. This week will not be fun for me, and my time on BZP may be a bit limited (30 minutes to an hour per day) up until this Sunday, when I'll be completely and totally active once more. I'm trying to keep a good attitude through this, but it's challenging. I could use a bit of encouragement.
    Many of the people in the school are now giving me the cold shoulder as well. One of the more popular boys in the school (especially among our class's girls), is a good friend of mine, and neither of us are going to prom. Instead, we've made plans to hang out together that weekend and skip prom, though we still plan on attending the after-prom trip. Strangely, the people who would like to see my friend at prom (and would have liked to take him as their date if they had had the chance) have blamed me for his refusal to show up, though that was his choice long before we made plans for that weekend.
    Finally, thank you to three great BZP people in my life. At the moment, your friendship and, well, insanity () are greatly appreciated.
  5. Argetlam
    And the drama among the girls in my class is enough to kill.
    There are only four guys in my class, and we are all being forced into the prom situation completely against our will. And it's ugly. The girls turn into monsters at this time of year, and there is no cure.
  6. Argetlam
    I bought Pokemon Platinum last night... It's an awesome game. I just started playing, so I'm not all that far, but once I'm able to improve my stats, etc., greatly, I'd be glad to take a few of you on.
  7. Argetlam
    So I'm in Williston right now, typing this out on a computer in a retirement home where my family and I are visiting relatives from my dad's side. I really enjoy my time here, much more than I did when I was younger, and I'd like you to note that I won't be home until tomorrow in the late afternoon. I say that because there's a moderate chance that I won't be able to get on BZP again until I get home.
    Until then...
    (Also, it's totally drier up here than it is in Glen Ullin. )
  8. Argetlam
    I met someone some time ago by coincidental circumstances and soon befriended him/her. In the time since, I've become quite fond of this person, and he/she has my greatest respect and admiration. We don't see eye to eye on many things, so it's surprising that we've become such good friends. Said person has been a huge part of my life for the past year, and there's a place in my life that he/she's filled in that time. This friend has been and is in a situation that many of us can't even comprehend. To that person, I'd like to just say that you mean a lot to me, and I'd hate to lose contact with you. I really appreciate you and no matter what happens, I wish the best for you in all you do.
  9. Argetlam
    I'm back.
    Also, I was at a band festival yesterday until really, really, late, so I wasn't able to do much on BZP. Oh well, I had fun, and it was rather enjoyable.
    School gets out in just over a month!
  10. Argetlam
    I didn't get much sleep last night and I've been doing a lot of work around the house today. It's nice to be able to relax now. In an hour or two, I'll be going to someone's house to watch some movies.
    Also, I have a few ideas in my head for MOC's to make and bring along to BrickFair.
    I can change my name in a few days, so I think I'll be going back to good ol' Argetlam.
  11. Argetlam
    School's been a real killer lately. I haven't had the time to be online as much as I've wanted to for a few months, but April's here and the schoolwork is letting up quite a bit. I'm taking advantage of this in every way I can, and BZP is definitely going to be a nice priority again.
    Also, I'm an official judge in the 7th grade science fair tomorrow night. And I'm really looking forward to it.
    Finally, Argetlam in 5 days.
  12. Argetlam
    Unfortunately for you, this is only a teaser. The full ship will be posted tomorrow.

    It's all system, sorry, no BIONICLE pieces, and it's based on the Voyager/Enterprise-E era of Star Trek.
    Also... Detachable assault shuttlecraft; though it's much bigger than a shuttle. <3
    Thoughts thus far?
  13. Argetlam
    The USS Sirius; registry number NCC-82936.


    I based the design off of the Sovereign class battleship, mainly altering the secondary hull. An assault ship was built into the top of the saucer section; and it can be quickly detached for battle or exploration, etc.

    Shuttle Bottom
    Shuttle Side

    Gallery for your viewing pleasure and ease (when public).

    I haven't built a starship with system pieces in many years, and I wanted to see if I still could. Personally I'm quite pleased with the results.

    Reviews? Comments? Criticism?

  14. Argetlam
    All of last week had temperatures between 40 and 60 degrees, and it melted a lot of the snow we had on the ground. Today, it's been raining all day, with reports of thunderstorms and even hail to our south. Tomorrow, we're expected to get 18 inches of snow. Also... It's windy.
    Typical North Dakota weather patterns.
    Wait... North Dakota doesn't have a weather pattern, it's all random.
    Soooooo hot in the late summer, and soooooo unpredictable in the winter.
    EDIT: In fact, as I look out the window now; it's hailing here too, but smaller than pea sized hail. Not enough to be worried about.
  15. Argetlam
    Ok, so I use a program called CorelDRAW Essentials 2 to make images. I reformatted my hard drive about 2 months ago, and since then, every time I save an image in .jpg format, a single pixel wide outline is placed around the image. I remember having this trouble in the past with .png images, but never with .jpg. Also, with the .png problem, I remember solving it at some point but I don't remember what I did. Any suggestions or thoughts?
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