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Great Being #1

Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Great Being #1

  1. Man i go to write an exam come back and this topic exploded for like 10 posts in a couple hours :P


    Anyway on the subject of Velika i do not think that he is inherently evil, he just has a different (or twisted from our perspective if you want) mind most likely but then again if Annona couldnt figure out the GBs' minds how can we possibly dare to :P


    We do not know how early Velika realized whatever he realized so he may have very well came up with a plan well before any of the rebelions then again it also could have been when he got sent to Karzahni or during the Inika time.


    As for his sincerity that doesnt have to be acting at all for him to be evil from our point of view. From his point of view these murders are part of some greater plan (that also involves the Nuva doing some more stuff) so he very well could think he's doing something "for the greater good" or something along those lines. Realistically until we get more story we wont be able to say much.


    Bones brings up another good point about Velika's knowledge of the Red Star. It makes me think of a semi theory, maybe he got so off about teh star malfunctioning that he's trying to send up as many warriors as possible so they can kill/reprogram the Kestora and get the red star working again (or reprogram it to accept agori and send people back down to SM now that the robot is destroyed). If that was the case he really would be killing them for the right reasons. However the red star link to the robot not its inhabitants right (otherwise Karzahni would be up there wouldnt he?). I dont know it wouldnt explain the tren krom murder but could explain some of this other stuff.

  2. If i remember correctly Toa become Turaga under the condition that they have completed their destiny as Toa and do not wish to stay Toa. Now seeing as their destiny was to reawaken Mata Nui it appears they have fulfilled it, i guess they decided to stay Toa to help out with the resistance efforts at the minimum since Teridax took control once they awoke the robot.

  3. So bones what you're saying is that maybe Velika actually was behind Teridax's plan and manipulated him into doing it? There's a very interesting quote in the last Powers That Be: "As time passed and things had become clear to him, he had known this time would come." It makes it seem as if his perspective and intentions had indeed changed over the course of time inside MN. I think you might be on to something bones.



    The GBs had already programmed the destiny system to do something about him, probably without realizing it at the time, but he was supposed to help reform Spherus Magna. There was really nothing further that Velika could have done for that. However, he may have been subtly working behind the scenes in ways we haven't heard of to set the stage for Mata Nui's victory there, once he realized Makuta had gone haywire (in the sense of not following his programming as intended).

    Maybe he knew Teridax still had to take over for the reformation to happen even though he was evil. I don't think he really needed to do anything to make sure that happened, though, and anyway he couldn't have influenced something so major and still been a passive observer. Maybe he didn't care if Mata Nui's mission was completed, and just wanted to see for himself. It would make sense for him make a little exception to his life of non-interference to help ensure Mata Nui was saved, after all the Matoran Universe was his adopted home. I just thought of an analogy (though it might be unnecessary, I'll say it anyway): you might go to a stadium to watch a sports game, but whether or not you care about which team wins, you would care if the stadium caught fire during the game.


    Or maybe the GBs, once they saw that Teridax went rogue, decided that he would have to take over to banish Mata Nui to SM so he could awaken the prototype robot. As such, Velika went along with Teridax's plan to make sure that SM was reformed.




    What makes you think the other GB's were aware of anything going on in MN? Velika sunk off into MN without the knowledge of the other GBs so i think everything was Velika's call and not that of the GBs as a group.

  5. Yeah that all makes perfect sense and i'm sure he would've definitely had a backup plan on how to leave Mata Nui or to restore him if all else failed. Also the only reason i brought up Teridax is that the way velika is seen thinking about a "plan" is very reminiscent of Teridax and his obsession with his plan. If I was a writer i would for sure explore that angle but alas i'm a math guy so i wont :P


    I dont know i'll probably never fully accept the fact that he seemed to do less that he could've (and yes i understand sometimes its best to do the bare minimum but he could've saved a lot of time and was probably aware of Teridax's plan and would've been able to get away from everybody once on SM and still kill everybody) but now i'm better with it.

  6. Well then that would make it seem he also had the skills/powers he used to kill Karzahni and Tren Krom in Mata Nui right? Meaning he could've done more than what he did vs the Piraka lets say. There's no chance that Teridax somehow managed to escape the robot and take control of Velika's body and subdue his mind right? Or that Teridax somehow found out about Velika and managed to partner up with him before all this stuff? That would make for some interesting story.

  7. I guess it did work out for the best (well sort of) and we wouldnt have really had much of a story had he interfered but i dunno i just cant shake the feeling that he really did the bare minimum, especially considering he seems a fairly competent killer now outside Mata Nui.


    Also did Velika go back to his "GB" form (whatever he was like before taking over a matoran and going into MN) when he got out into Spherus Magna?

  8. Oh right i forgot he was kinda rogue (then again dont most GB's kinda do their own thing most of the time?) I agree with a lot of that but even for all teh powers of the Great Being looking into the future does not seem to be one of them. So without foresight of survival (unless he had some backup plan to save himself), i revealing himself could have helped wouldn't he have done that? And then maybe gotten out of MN and back to Spherus Magna?


    I just feel like some of the pieces dont fit, maybe nto all of what i said is possible or reasonable but it just doesnt seem like he did everything he could without revealing himself (and even maybe revealed himself). I doubt most organisations would try anything on him out of fear of his possibly existent powers. Oh well i guess its up to our imaginations now.


    PS Sorry if i seem overly aggressive or argumentative, like i said before its been a while since i last did much discussing on BZ.

  9. So we're sure none of his powers could've transferred with his consciousness? Also information is great power had he been able to prove he was indeed a GB (maybe difficult but probably possible) to the others he for sure would've been able to command them at least through fear (like lie to them that he was gonna call the other GBs for backup or something). Also yes he's a neutral in general but they created Mata Nui to do something for them wouldn't he have wanted it to succeed then?

  10. Not sure how new this revelation is as I've been MIA from the bionicle community for a solid 2 years but doesnt that revelation bring up some interesting plot holes?


    For example i was thinking couldn't he have single-handedly done away with the Priraka and led the Inika to the Mask of Light? Couldn't he have dealt with the Barraki and other members of the pit that were causing trouble? Or done something about Teridax? I'm not quite sure how powerful he was but i'm sure he could have done certain things to help rather than sit back and basically enjoy the show. Especially considering the main point of Mata Nui was to help the GBs restore Spherus Magna.


    Also not sure if this stuff was already talked about somewhere and i'm just making a dupe topic sorry if I am.

  11. No, I definitely agree. But part of what's great about mystery is wanting to know what the answers are, and then once the answers are found the mystery dissipates. So I guess we've got to find a middle ground of knowing and letting the fantastic story be. :D


    EDIT: Woo, five hundred.


    Yeah that's why i though about leaving the red star alone but i guess we can still say the GB's are still mysterious enough even with all the info on them so i'll hold on to that one :P


    How did a question about life before the war degenerate into a discussion on Vorax ahaha?

    I'd say it's probably because there is a lot of mystery around what the Vorox were like pre-Shattering, or before becoming savage at all (and why), for that matter. :)




    Ahaha yeah that's probably a good call, i wonder if there were any other species native to spherus magna before the arrival of the great beings, but i guess we would've heard of any of import (like annona).

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