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Everything posted by Biomech

  1. Biomech


    Pepsi is good with pizza, otherwise I don't like it so much. Then again Coca-Cola isn't good with... anything. HMMM
  2. Biomech


    I doubt anyone in my shoes would've taken that sort of insulting commentary to PM, but I'm sorry for not doing so. I'll remember this next tiiime.
  3. Starting to get carried away there man... =/
  4. Biomech

    I Has

  5. Biomech

    I Has

    Wow this went off topic quickly. THANKS GUYS
  6. Biomech

    I Has

    A valid point!
  7. Biomech

    I Has

    I got a bag of Smarties! ... Reese's is better. =(
  8. Biomech

    El Tuesday Cinco

    - Dark browwnn. - Got back from school so a 3. - Indeed. - Me. - Quite so.
  9. What if I want to refer to the Jamaican dish ##### Chicken? Bah.
  10. Again, the issue of continuity. If one word is censored, all words that are like it should be. It's little things like this that make the filter such a hassle. I think the uncensored "my mom" could be better off with number signs instead of that. It looks like the filter is calling my mother one. Fingers crooossssed.
  11. Various "leet" words, "the", etc etc. It goes up to a thousand words I heard.
  12. Eh, what can ya do. Grudges are grudges. Filtering the poorly spelt "the" to... err "the" also irritates me. I should be allowed to correct my own spelling darn it. If all commonly misspelt words are going to be filtered, "grammer" should have been there a long time ago.
  13. That one has history to it, but to be brief, it has something to do with the advertising policy. -Omi Yeah I knew that, but why? They are of no competition (let's face it) and pose no harm to BZP. And 99% of people saying the shortened form of moderator mean "moderator" and aren't referencing to that.
  14. Never thought I'd say this, but I agree with Omi (heh). I would never want a little kid reading swear words on BZP, obviously he/she will eventually learn it from a friend or some other site, but knowing that BZP was the reason he is dropping the f-bomb everywhere he goes would make the staff/members feel guilty for ruining the innocence of a child. Not to mention it'd get the parents nice and angry. Now, filtering the shortened form of moderator is another thing.
  15. Ditch the shop and make some new art instead.
  16. Biomech


    Really! Doesn't interest me.
  17. Biomech


    Never played it. ^__^
  18. Biomech

    Oooohhhhh !

    Hazelnut... coffee? MUST HAVE OMG
  19. Biomech


    did someone called me
  20. Biomech


    Word Of The Month??
  21. Only problem is if people quote you and keep the option checked. ... =D
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