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Status Updates posted by Biomech

  1. I hope so.

    @VTP: Get lost.

  2. I just said what spoils my fun, and that is YOU. How can I make that any clearer? =S

  3. I keep on thinking that your name is Turkish Delight. WHY MUST YOU BE SO TASTY? ;_;

  4. i knooow! life without enough sunny is awful! i've been just haaangin 'round. =D

  5. i like photos too :)

  6. i like ur av

  7. I love seeing the confused replies. lolz.

  8. I love your STUNNING new avatar! Very nice! :D

  9. I never said I created that font, I said I created that style: having the first letter on a slant with the full name beside it. It was a huge fad on BZP, but now it's over and I don't want anyone doing it.

  10. i r ur hero wow tahnks!

  11. I remember that show! It was a science show or something. =D

  12. i see wut you did thar

  13. i spelt waddap wrong... shoot me!

  14. i think i love you... =S

  15. I think if I tell you I'd lose more. :P

  16. I thought everyone liked him. *is shocked* O___o

  17. I thought everyone saw that! =O

  18. I tried PMing an admin to change my name once, they wouldn't. BUT I CAN TRY AGAIN :)

  19. I want liquid! D:

  20. I was first kthx. >:o

  21. I wish I had a nature related name... Moonmech? =O

  22. i'll make you one either way :D

    pm me if you want anything specimificz

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