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Blog Comments posted by bonesiii

  1. Piraka are doing very well, outselling the Toa Hordika and Visorak from 2005. Everyone is very pleased about that.

    Exaaaactly as I predicted. :evilgrin: Excellent--one more step for 2006 to be the best Bionicle year so far. ^_^ Keep up the awesome work yall are doing, Greg and LEGO! Can't wait for '07 now...


    so go buy books

    Duly buying! :salutes:

  2. My approach, usually, is sorta a mix between outlining and not -- I only "outline" because sometimes I'll have an idea and not have time to write the actual scene, just jot a note... so I don't usually even call that an outline, but I do arrange it in chron. order.


    But I always approach the outline as just one of many possible ways I could go when I actually write, and NOTHING is ever final. (I put it in all caps to yell at myself to never forget that. :P) Often my "outline" says the character wins something in a scene and I end up having him/her lose 'cuz that is cooler. XD Or vice versa. So even with the outline I'm still pretty much clueless as to how the story will end. ^_^


    I find, personally, that works better than pure spontaneity. BTW, took a class on writing, and what TMD said is basically what my instructor (a published writer and editor) said is best -- he had us write outlines for our stories that could not go over 20 words. And then everything else is supposed to be spontaneous.

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