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Status Updates posted by bonesiii

  1. okay, remind me if I don't do it by Friday this week, Adv. :)

  2. Okay. I dunno about "vehement" though. :P

  3. Orange > Comments that can be deleted at will. PEER-yuhd. ;)

  4. Orange > Other Colors.

  5. Plus animals can be trained to do good or evil tasks without direct commands, just out of habit. Attack dogs vs. rescue dogs, etc.

  6. Progress on Bionicle history retelling: mostly done with the 59th chapter; everything up until the sinking of Mahri Nui is done (about to write that). Well, need to add a few words about the founding of Koli, but not really sure where that properly goes chronologically; I'm putting it before Mahri Nui but who knows.

    1. bonesiii


      And now Mahri Nui is sunk.

  7. Progress on retelling of entire Bionicle history: Ahkmou has arrived on Mata Nui and he's already been bad. (How so is spoilers. :P)

    1. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Could you give me a link to your story? I can't seem to find it. It sounds awesome though! :)

    2. bonesiii


      There won't be a link until I finish writing it, proofread, and then start posting. :P Keep watching here, on my blog, and in my sig for the link when it does start. :)

    3. Art Vandelay

      Art Vandelay

      Oh ok, makes sense. XD I can't wait to read it when its finished.

  8. Progress on The Destiny of Bionicle: 55/~80 chapters done. Vakama just turned back to the good side... and accidentally freed Makuta. NOTE: Any artists reading this should go see my latest blog entry for a related art wishlist!

  9. Rank: Kopeke.


  10. Re-telling update: Atero has fallen. The chapter I just finished ended up with 24 pages, so yeah, the 20-page maximum rule is definitely history in Part Nine!

  11. Retelling draft progress: Takua has summoned the Toa and crashed into the beach. If you ever wondered how the heck he could survive that, story has an explanation. :) (Dunno if it counts as a theory... I don't know that any actual evidenced theory could make that work lol.)

  12. Retelling progress -- Chapter 81 written, with several non-canon events important to my plot. It did end up, as I suspected Part Nine chapters might, going one page longer than the earlier working-maximum of 20 pages. Not sure whether to expect that trend to continue through the rest; we'll see!

  13. Retelling progress report: Takanuva is explaining to the Toa Nuva about the energy storms; they are about to head for the Codrex.

    1. bohrokmaster


      Wow! Good job! How many pages/or chapters do you have left? I'm dying to read your whole story!

    2. bonesiii


      As of this comment now, 11 and a half chapters to go. :) (Of about 20 pages each, though I may extend that maximum for the last few ones, depending on how it goes.)

    3. bonesiii


      Correction, 10 and a half. Math. :P

  14. Retelling progress: Finished a long chapter of almost totally non-canon events between Takua's summoning of the Toa and the canisters actually arriving. Also going back to earlier chapters' comments to add links to story source YouTube videos!

    1. bohrokmaster


      I hope we'll see the whole story of Bionicle :-)

    2. VakamaMetruNui


      How far into the story are you going to go with this retelling?

    3. bonesiii


      To the end. (Likely will stop short of TYQ and TPTB.)

  15. Retelling progress: Haven't gotten much farther than the previous note in the actual writing; the Nuva are inside the Codrex. But I've been doing some of the art that I've been putting off. Specifically: a protodite (as I imagine under the microscope, based on Protodax), a stylized adaptive Hau, another image of Tuyet's mask based on one used with permission by another artist, Miserix's Kanohi, Mask of Creation, and Mutran's pet rock (pre-Mountain)

  16. Retelling progress: Matoro has sacrificed his life to save Mata Nui. Since this came up in a topic, I didn't have space to include the reanimation of Alternate Tuyet's corpse. Not sure if that or several side threads like it will end up playing a role or not, but if so it'll have to be mentioned as a brief flashback later. Now 77 of 90 chapters written.

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      So close to the book now. =P

  17. Retelling progress: Takua has been banished.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toa Kayn

      Toa Kayn

      I know! Such a heartless act :s

    3. bonesiii


      Ironically my non-canon protagonist knows that Takua being banished will be good (somehow) in the end.


      But he didn't cause it... on purpose... He would swear to it. :P

    4. bonesiii


      Progress: Not much since last update. Whenua has been rescued by Takua (going through the plot of the GBA game now).

  18. Retelling update: LAUNCHING THIS WEEK! Stay tuned! More art is made for it too. See more detailed update on my blog: http://www.bzpower.com/board/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=39&showentry=128310

  19. Retelling update: Mostly I've been rechecking Part One stuff, and doing some last-minute art for those chapters. Half of Chapter 82 is written too, but I realized a better way to do something in 81 by moving it to later in 82, so I'm now going through 81 again to edit.

  20. Retelling update: Not much progress, but a little; I wrote some further non-canon events after the fall of Atero. Probably about halfway to the Ignika's arrival.

  21. Retelling update: Toa Inika have begun first battle with all six Piraka and Brutaka; Hakann and Thok are about to steal Brutaka's powers.

  22. Roman numeral three, made lowercase. Short answer. Long answer I've given many times before and I don't feeling like repeating myself again. :P

  23. See blog comment for answer. :P

  24. Short answer from there:

    Sometimes good and evil are points of view, but there are absolute definitions of both words, based on selflessness and selfishness. To confuse the former definitions of these words with the latter is an equivocation fallacy, which is invalid and logically impossible.

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