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Cap'n Sparrow

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Status Updates posted by Cap'n Sparrow

  1. Please tell me ur avatar is not Gimli :P

  2. zomg. I luvs Mythbusters, KOTOR, Pirates of the Caribbean (duh), Paolini, Battlefront II, National Treasure, and National Treasure 2, as well as other stuff. For being my rival we sure do have a lot in common!

  3. what topic of yours am I/ was I on? I had SOOO many open at once, you see :P

  4. Ah yes. Now i remember.

    Looking good!


  5. Ah yes.

    That one.

    (See comment on ur profile for my complete response)

  6. Can do, will do, did


  7. Some rediculous "World's EnNd" or something.......some moral conundrum including William.

  8. Nice Epic. it's EPIC :P

  9. Ur inbox is full. Sketch is done, I just wanted to check in with you on it before coloring. You can probably get the final image sometime during the week, if you like this sketch. If the sketch is not to your liking, tell me what about it needs to be changed. Thanks!


  10. Haha, nice. I have awesome computers, so Battlefield 2 is BEAUTIFUL. :P

  11. Well, i posted a draft sketch on ur comments, i THINK, and then, im very sorry but i can't find the file of the inked. I'm lookign for it. sorry for any inconvenience!

  12. Erm...........who are u, again? I forget, it's been so long....

  13. Uh, I sent it to you.

    Like 4 months ago.

    Did you never get it?

    I'll try to find the file again, if you didn't.

  14. Ohhhhhhh..............YOU!

    Now I remembers.

    howzit been?

  15. Whoa we have the same B-day!!!


  16. Oooh. Cool. A parent on BZP. Hola.

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