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Status Updates posted by Fighty

  1. Okay, Kanata, there are two things that might have led you to believe I'm popular:

    1) You actually believe it.

    2) Some hard yarn ball-shaped projectile recently collided with your head.

    I'm leaning towards 2. Because I am anything but poular. It's not like I've contributed anything to BZPower like Nikira, SPIRIT, Turahkii or any of those great names. In a

  2. It appears thou has not been replying to the comments of avid fans of the great Nikira, Nikira. Congrats on being a Premier Outstanding BZP Citzen. Not much else to say, the winds of boredom are coming my way, now I must depart, to read a topic of your art!

  3. Fighty

    I feel sorry for you.

  4. Happy birthday! ^.^

  5. Thanks! You're nice :P

  6. Why thank you, kind sir.

    What a nice hat you're wearing.

  7. I can has comments?

    I hoped that the lameness of my banner implied that I was joking.

  8. I'm a drifter. I'm here today, gone tomorrow.

  9. It's hard to read your banner without feeling a swell of pity.

  10. She pilfered it from Vakama.

  11. I don't know. Hopefully not, though. I'm attempting to abstain.

  12. Hey, Turahkii!

    Sorry about Carapar.. SPIRIT gave a nice eulogy though..

  13. What the deuce.

    You are not Arnold Schwarzenegger.

  14. Also I don't get why your avatar and personal pic are a girl. Did you change your gender when my back was turned?


    LOL, hailiekwuts upp en ur lief nowadayz?

  16. Eww, sick ur dok's spit.


  18. Seriously, or are you being sarcastic?

  19. Your Mom an cool dude.

  20. omg this is like the best profile ever so nice and holsum ur manly and nice and the model of a man

    did i mention i have sarcasm?

  21. See you too! :) I appreciate the message.

    Good luck with your life, man.

  22. itz an incurable disease

  23. 'Ello, Vezon!

  24. Oh, hey Kotahn!

    I just wanted to drop by and remind you how awesome you are.

  25. wuuuuuuuuut?

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