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Status Updates posted by Fighty

  1. Yeah.

    Well, the $65 are very much appreciated.

    *starts plotting other ways to scheme ToT out of his money*

  2. [ditty]If you're awesome and you know it, clap your hands... [/ditty]

  3. For being Everclear your Mistika banners sure are indistinct. =P

  4. me too

    what a coincedence

    we both have haru's spleen.

    but my haru's spleen is bigger.

  5. How did I not notice someone with a username like yours? Power to the MacGyver fans!

  6. You obviously do not recognize the importance of a good towel after a warm bath!

  7. But do you have a panda wearing panda pants?

  8. Hey dude, could you perhaps consider approving my friend request within this periodic lifetime? Sorry if I'm a pain, but...

  9. Come back, Spinny.


  10. Wait, wait... what?

    Who the heck are you again? And why are you commenting on my profile?

  11. Basically. =)

  12. Wait, I know that name! Just give me a minute...





  13. What kind of whispers? There are varying opinions in the whisper community regarding me.

  14. Well, the last time I was on BZP, it got me addicted and I totally disregarded real life. I don't know if coming back is the best option.

  15. Not for long, though, I'm afraid. I'm intending on leaving again, soon.

  16. =D


    I know you from that one site that is like this site but not this site because it's like this site, right?

  17. I hope the name was a joke.

  18. yum yum

    can i have another one?

  19. Ohes noes my pwoto is gone. Tafin wins.

  20. Never mind. We'd probably get into a flame-fight if I told you. You can probably guess.

  21. who are you people

  22. Dude, I remember when you were a pipsqueak, and now you're a full-fledged FA? Awesome.

  23. Kabs: Well, you didn't HAVE to agree XP

    Zonis: Oh, that makes me feel real special XD

    creotoa: I know, I know, I'll get to it... next week.


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