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Freddy Mallins

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Blog Entries posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Freddy Mallins
    Nobody's made a Platformer-styled game in Fan Created Games that's similar to the old Castlevania games on the NES, have they?
    I have an idea here in Draft form; I can PM it if anyone's interested in hearing this....
  2. Freddy Mallins
    I told some people I wanted 10 kids.
    They asked me why I'd want that.
    I told them that it pertained to the old Biblical principle of immortality, that it was once believed that a man was immortal as long as his family name existed.
    They told me I was a nerd.
    I told to them to eat it, because I knew more than they did.
    They left.
    Someone threw a paper wad at me.
    I side-stepped and it hit one of my chick-friends behind me.
    She now believes that they were aiming for her.
    I convinced her that they think she is an illicit word.
    In summary, I proved my nerdiness, my loyalty, and my enjoyment of watching chicks beat up guys who think they're tough.
  3. Freddy Mallins
    Just throwin' this out here. I seem to be doing a lot of that recently.
    > The game itself (Zelda 2)
    > Bad camera direction (Wind Waker)
    > Water Temple (Ocarina of Time)
    > The Ice Cavern (Ocarina of Time)
    > Most to all events that happen at Romani Ranch (Majora's Mask)
    > Dying too fast (Zelda, A Link to the Past)
    > Not being able to unequip a mask whilst wearing it (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)
    > What's wrong with Gorons and Cuckoos? (Wind Waker)
    > Seriously, no Gorons? (Wind Waker)
    > Fish-people = bird-people? (Wind Waker)
    > Lack of a consistent map (All games)
    > Lack of an understandable (let alone any) story line (All games)
    > If I wanted to time myself playing this stupid game, I'd speed-play it (Majora's Mask)
    > I still haven't played you (Link's Awakening, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Minish Cap, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Twilight Princess)
    > Aliens? (Majora's Mask)
    > A freakin' train? (Spirit Tracks)
    > Just because the graphics worked for Wind Waker doesn't mean it works as well or should be used as frequently in the games after it (Phantom Hourglass, Minish Cap, Spirit Tracks, Four Swords Adventures)
    > The horse needs to stop when I tell it to stop and go when I tell it to go (Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask)
    > Three days =/= maybe an hour, give or take (Majora's Mask)
    > Being run over by a freakin' dog as Deku Link (Majora's Mask)
    Don't take any of this seriously - I could probably still manage to play and/or beat any of these games and ignore any of the listed problems. Well, all of them except the Romani Ranch one.
  4. Freddy Mallins
    Does anyone have a really, really good copy of the Bela Lugosi Dracula theme? It's the one from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake ballet, but I don't know which specific act or piece. If so, please email it to me. kthxbai.
  5. Freddy Mallins
    Looks like it's settled down a bit. I think GF's news kinda quaffed all the sadness.
    Btw, writing a new story...

    ...a Terry Pratchett-styled Bionicle comedy epic!!
    In which four entities - Death, Fate, Time, and Luck - are peeved about the fact of an ancient, cursed weapon being reformed that could possibly mean the end of the world! So they find a really sucky hero and aid him on his quest to stop Evil and the reformation of the Staff of Bad!
  6. Freddy Mallins
    Well, at 53 votes and a lot of luck, this is the farthest I've ever made it in a BBCC, and I want to thank each and every person for voting for me, especially Bfa, Arpy, Turkii, Ferhago, Nico, Niff, Xin, Iro, Kohaku, Brickthing, Nuju Metru, FE, Shan, Takuta-Nui, Iranu, Erebus, Bunda, and everyone else who voted for me. I didn't honestly expect the Pin Mage to go far, but it was fun making it, and I know I lulled a lot of people with it. But that's what MOCing is about, especially in contests - building to impress and to achieve, and I have definitely achieved with this MOC.
    So with that, thank you, everybody. You've really made me happy, probably the happiest I've been in a long time, since I'm going through a bit of a dragged-down life right now.

  7. Freddy Mallins
    Should I enter? I got a few good ideas lined up....
    I'm entering. Mosaic; it'll be done....ohh, hopefully today, if I can get the positioning right. It's a bit off from the original picture, but I know lotsa folks'll love it here.
  8. Freddy Mallins
    Pikced up some GitD Acrylic paint at a Jo-Anns fabrics near me; tried it out on a white Pakari, 03 Lewa Nuva sword, and a Mahritoran dagger, and it's looking pretty good. Goes on transparent, but it needs about 4 coats in order for it to actually glow. First coat, it seems to all fall on the edges, which is a neat effect if you just leave it that way. I am planning to do a whole set of armor this way, the Ghost Walker armaments.
    Also, since my Faerie sword has the Druidic crescent moon motif on it, I'm planning on painting Oghamic runes onto the scabbard, as sort of a mystic thing. I think it'll look cool.
  9. Freddy Mallins
    I'll just update this from time to time...
    * Aconitum
    Genre - Death Metal
    Sounds like - Lamb of God, The Black Dahlia Murder, (possibly) Carnifex
    Comments - Based off of the plant genus; also known as monkshood, and one of the deadliest plants in the world.
    * Bloodmyst
    Genre - Death Metal
    Sounds like - Lamb of God
    Comments - Because it sounds cool. Location in WoW, btw.
    * Paladin
    Genre - Death Metal/Metal-Core/Power Metal
    Sounds like - Lamb of God, Demon Hunter
    Comments - Originally my concept of a Death Bio-band; it's based more off of Demon Hunter than something like Carnifex.
    * The Fourth-Wall Break
    Genre - Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Indie Rock
    Sounds like - Weezer, Green Day, (possibly) Bloc Party
    Comments - My nerd band, if it existed. It's just such a great-sounding name; I mean, people have to actually ask you what that means, too.
    * We're Actually Midgets
    Genre - Punk Rock, Alternative Rock
    Sounds like - Green Day, (possibly) The Beatles
    Comments - I always wondered about the name behind the group They Might Be Giants, so hey, why not spoof it? It's great!
    *The Summoning Dark
    Genre - Death Metal, Power Metal
    Sounds like - Carnifex, The Black Dahlia Murder
    Comments - Another nerdy reference, this time to Discworld (specifically, Thud!). The Summoning Dark is a Dwarfish mine sign, quite possibly the worst you can get. It's pictured here, on the far right.
  10. Freddy Mallins
    Castle Vignette now in the works. It's a multi-tier built cross section of some random castle. Gives me a break from modular flooring. >_<

    So yeah, it should stand about 2-3 feet tall when I'm done with it, and it's only 12 studs square through the whole thing (which really isn't that much). Once I get the basic build of it going, I'm gonna Sir Nadroj it all up; I've got some good idears for detailing, right now. Specifically on a new chandelier design I discovered, using a wagon wheel. No clue how I'm gonna get actual lights on it but it'll look nice in a dining hall of sorts. Also did a stained-glass window today of a red Cross on a light blue background, with some extra stuff off to the sides in yellow, blue, and green. I'm definitely doing more stained-glass work after this. Like, if I can get some more red and purple (all of this pertaining to stained glass is trans, btw), I can build like a Necromancer altar. 'Twould be wicked.

    But, I'll still take peoples ideas for small, detailed objects, particularly better-looking kegs, dining utensils, instruments, writing utensils, and candles. Maybe wall-mounted shields and swords - I DEFINITELY need those, as I have no clue in correctly aligning them.
  11. Freddy Mallins
    So basically, now I'm out of homeschooling for...7-something years and now I attend Covenant Christian High, a fairly nice school that is, of course, a Biblical-based institution (which is exactly what I shot for). What's really ironic is that two of the most hated teachers in the school, Biology and Bible 1, are two of my favs and I'm generally the preferred student of both of them. That's a cool feeling to have, but I also hate it 'cuz they're like 'Oh yeah, YOU'RE his fav' and I'm just like 'And.....?'
    To anyone who hasn't seen On Break yet: See it. And click on the gorilla's mouth at the end for quite possibly one of THE BEST easter eggs on the whole website.
    So yeah, that's about it for now...sorry for the short beginning entry, but hey, it's a beginning entry, at least.
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