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Freddy Mallins

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Blog Entries posted by Freddy Mallins

  1. Freddy Mallins
    ...until all of this mucking about on Bionicle ending, well, ends.
    Finals are coming up, anyway. Plus I have my first actually successful Bionicle epic-comedy to finish, as well as the MOCs with it.
  2. Freddy Mallins
    I just beat Halo! =D
    Yeah, yeah, it was on Easy. Nothing special, but I've never been able to get past 343 Guilty Spark due to horror and fright...so this is really awesome to beat it by myself this time around. My bro and I beat it co-op on Xbox a few years back.
  3. Freddy Mallins
    It is a time of desolation, chaos, and uncertainty. Brother pitted against brother; babies havin' babies. Then one day, from the right side of the screen, came a man. A man, with a smallish blue-gray rectangle.
  4. Freddy Mallins
    "It's here! It's here! It's finally here!"
    "It's here! It's here! It's fina-lully here!
    There's no more time for expecta—"
    "SHUT UP!"

    Btw the Orange Vahi wasn't a prototype; just wanted to show it for appreciation of my friend who let me buy it from him for 17 bucks.
  5. Freddy Mallins
    I need an artist; seeing as no one reads my blog anyway, I may as well put this out there for good measure.
    Requirements -
    -This is a commission, btw. Just wanted to put that out there first so you can turn and burn early.
    -To be willing to undertake as big of a project that I have to give you.
    -To be at least an uber artist. You gotta be pretty freakin' good to get this slot.
    -To be willing to give it to me within a specified time schedule when needed. This might be for English class, because pretty much I'm just writing this short story in order to quite possibly get out of an assignment earlier than usual.
    -To be able to scan and color on a computer.
    -Please note this will be several works instead of just one title pic.
    -To not be stupid, arrogant, or obnoxious.
    Now taking applicants. Do take note to send me some of your work; not to sound rude, but I'll pick the best anyone can throw at me.
    In other news, started writing the short-story to accompany my grandeur MOC Rage of the Champions; it is, of course, canonically incorrect, as the main antagonist as well as Malum's new look are both done personally by me. It's shaping up quite nicely. Gelu's all over it, too, for those of you who love Gelu and that is in no way referring to the latest big event in Bionicle whatsoever. Nope. But yeah, expect that soon. Also LF Artist.
  6. Freddy Mallins
    THRILL! as the PayPal account finally updates with the money I need to PAY FOR PREMIEEEEEER.
    CHILL! as I attempt to daily-ish-ly update this blog with INTERESTING INFORMATIOOOOOON.
    RECOIL IN HORROR! as I put in some witty content blocks AND THEN? You'll just have to BE THEEEERE. To FIND OOOOOUT.
    Admission is still just seven dollars! Kids and old people NOT ALLOOOOWED without a bucket of fried chicken FOR MEEEEEE.
  7. Freddy Mallins
    New MOC; a type of Medieval tomb that I toyed around with a bit at first but then went on to completing a full MOC. This is the best thing I've built since Rage of the Champions, which was nearly a year ago. Fully monochromatic, unless you want to differentiate pre-Metru dark gray and post-Metru dark gray (which I don't, especially for MOCs that are 'made of stone'). For those of you who don't know, this is a recumbent effigy.
  8. Freddy Mallins
    Although I'm more excited about Portal 2 and Skyward Sword, who'd have thought that this was actually a pretty awesome-looking game? Seriously, even for Kirby, it seems astounding.
  9. Freddy Mallins
    - Vercingetorix?
    - Sigurd?
    - Cuchulainn?
    - Gilgamesh?
    - Cohen?
    - Conan?
    - Rincewind?
    Looking at other hero names, aside from the one I've made. Really looking at Vercingetorix.
    If you don't know, then Wiki him.
    Went with Vercingetorix. =D
  10. Freddy Mallins
    Spring Break's almost over for me....and to be honest, I'm thankful. I miss a lot of my friends at school, and I feel like I've forgotten a lot of stuff within a week.
    Because being removed from humanity does things to you. Makes you start to lose your mind.
    Of course, I lost mine years ago, but still, sitting around with that much mindlessness plus some gets awfully grueling over time.
    On another note, I did buy a Crusader's Great Helm off of eBay today. 56 bucks, 17 for shipping; should be here within the next week or so.
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