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Status Updates posted by Foolery

  1. hi, has anyone ever told you that you're very eloquent for a 2 year old?

  2. please greg do me a favour and read my responce on page 5 of

    'bionicle science question'

    it's to do with you blocking me

  3. well could somebody tell him to look at my explanation + apology

    on page 5 of his topic

    "Bionicle science question" because he blocked me so I can't

  4. read+reply to my topic please

    also get 3 more posts so I can PM you, try to do both at the same time if you can

  5. Same to you.

    Was that the date that you joined or something?

  6. lol, you got 1 starred!! (I'll fix that in a second) pop into my shop, I'll make you a funky banner and personal pic... dude

  7. you were born 1 day before me

  8. can I just point out that you are only allowed one banner in your signature, I suggest you either remove 2 or

    get a new one made here... http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=285001

  9. could the next person to see this please PM greg and tell him to look at my post on page 5 of his topic 'bionicle science question' say that it's to do with him blocking me


  10. could the next person to see this please PM greg and tell him to look at my post on page 5 of his topic 'bionicle science question' say that it's to do with him blocking me


  11. Interesting, any reason why?

  12. @Dr. Giggles: he can't, but he convinced them to keep the story going, and he updates it (when he has time to write) on bioniclestory.com

  13. yes but I'd either go for my birthday or a significant date, not some kind of crazy hybrid. Did you have a good Christmas?

  14. lol, you got 5 starred!!

    anyways, before you make the request what sort of 'look' do you want? I can give a recommendation of who to request from and such

  15. hey! you just got

    5 starred

    how's it going?

  16. ditto

    he was my buddy too

  17. thanks

    who likes my new personal pic?

  18. add comments too!

  19. dude your banner's way too big

    it definitely shouldn't be as tall as an inch but try to keep it about the size of mine so no one can complain

    if you want I could take that and make a proper banner of it

  20. hey

    I thought you might like 5 stars

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