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Everything posted by Blood-Elf-the-titan

  1. I addeded a comment on my own thing? thats craaaaazzzzy!

  2. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I went dirtbiking then got all muddy. It was gross. but i cleaned it off.
  3. Hello....i havent entered in awhile so i say hello And a happy day too you all.
  4. have a good vacation
  5. WHAT??? whoever that guy is must be really mad over a toy!!! I know i do get bullied sometimes for liking bionicles but mostly by my friends or ppl who just try and get ppl to like them. But why would he think that u r responsable for his brothers misery? you didnt beat him up or even do anythin except help right the story. and why is his name bioniclefan606 wen he hates bionicles?
  6. Changing? CANT WAIT!!!!! :br:
  7. I agree. We should be happy with the fact he even answers any of our questions, no matter how stupid, and that he finds time in his day to come here and talk. Not many book writers/comic writers do that. Thanks Greg
  8. I don't think its in the sky.
  9. I have two cats. One is named Kitty and the other is named Joy.
  10. Blood-Elf-the-titan


    I like the zoo!!! Its fun.
  11. WOW!!!! I hope the tenth anniversary is kewl. They are going to keep bionicle going past that i hope.
  12. WOW!!! I plan to get all the mahri the day I find them.
  13. I cant wait till 2008 and 2009. Thanks for the info Greg.
  14. 2008? I can't wait that long. So far....these bionicle books are the best books ever!!! Now they seem to be getting even better every year!!!
  15. okay. this is my first entry and i am seein how it works. so this really is just a test thing.
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