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Status Updates posted by Xetra

  1. BZP's finally back, about time.

  2. Just thought I'd say welcome to BZP, and that if you need a hand on your comics (i.e. sprite sheets, backgrounds) send me a message when you can.

  3. Of course I am! ROFL

  4. In a brilliant way =)

  5. Hah owned, I wiped you from existence :P

  6. Are you clive then

  7. No nm i did it wrong

  8. Oh btw the x on your personal pic is 12.5

  9. I would add you as a frined...

    If you werent my arch enemy

  10. GERONIMO *runs away and into the Tardis*

  11. Hey Reznas do you know if you do comic backgrounds there, cus Zaks retiring from the backgrounds at the comic shop

  12. cool i might make a few requests there

  13. Right, it needed reporting before it was closed so yes i did need to do that. and geronimo is my sign off

  14. Yaha, good kit!

  15. Hello! We have a lot in common XP

  16. @Bcucu: That is for comics btw

    @Reznas: I'm using Xanis Toa and a little bit of real life fantasy to give a story

  17. Great, I have another task for you now.

  18. I'll send you a PM

  19. Yes, But I need a hand with something first, are you any good at multi colouring sprites?

  20. I am obsessed with Doctor Who, my nickname at school is The Doctor

  21. Hey Bcucu, I have changed my mind and might not make any comics, what do you think?

  22. @Bcucu: I'm having trouble deciding which kit to use. When I decide I'll send you the details

  23. Sure you can!

    I'll send you a message later.

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