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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Grey Snow

  1. Grey Snow
    If anyone read my last two entries they'll know that I want to meet someone again. In my sixth hour algebra class we were getting a new student today (9-17) and I heard about it on the 14th. I thought it was her and I was excited and continued my prayers hoping it would be, it wasn't.
    It was bad fortune again for me, but now onto the second part.
    As some of you may have noticed I've been speaking of trying to resurect a show known as Portal. I've been really getting into this and trying to get support, which I don't think I've gotten unfortunatly. I've also been playing the Doctor Who RPG (Doctor Who fans should play it, it's interesting playing in the Doctor Who universe, though I've never interacted with another on ther yet, though I'm new to it.)
    I've finally been updating my Naruto Epic that I've been writing. I've been updating it daily with about four to eight chapters a day and I've finally got comments on it.
    I haven't been working on my Barraki Pre-Pit art for one reason, my heart isn't in it after my expectations were risen so much to be dashed, read my other entries and you'll see. I don't know if I'll want to upload them now, but even if they're bad I still will.
    I've finally fixed up my Kongu Mahri with new legs and got rid of the second Cordak, I hate those, and replaced it with a scyhe. It's not complicated, but it works and the legs are just his Inika legs.
    Now I just have to wait for Greg to update his blog, I hope we'll get new information in it, but it doesn't matter to me, I just like his.
  2. Grey Snow
    If you read my last entry then you'd know that I had five or six classes in a row with the girl I wanted to see again. Unfortunatly yesterday in my Biology class that she would have been in, the teacher said she was removed from the seating chart, so she won't be there, I don't expect sympothy, but I continued to pray for months since I'm religious, and now I'm questioning in my prayers, why? Have I not been a worthy enough servent of my master, the Lord?
    Edit: I forgot this earlier. I've been working on Barraki Pre-Pit art, my Carapar is the only good one for what I can do. It had some of my heart in it, my other five are horrible for the sole reason that it lacked my heart. They would have been even worse if I worked on them after I found out. They're only early sketches, but still, even though they're only sketches, they're horrible. I can't move on yet in my life because I still keep praying and hoping.
  3. Grey Snow
    Well this is my first attempt at making a blog.
    School has just started and I'm a freshman this year. My new school is pretty good so far, I haven't been late yet even though they excuse you the first week, but the main reason I made this blog is for this purpose. The person I wrote about in my signiture that I want to see again, that I'll protect with my life, left school after spring break last year and I'm not sure where she moved to. There are ten hours in my school, and she's in my third through eigth hour classes, that's an improvement over the three (or four depending if you cound gym one day and study hall the next at the same period as one or two classes) last year, but the problem is she has yet to be here.
    I've heard some things, that she's supposed to be here by the end of next week, but then I've heard that she wasn't, I'm hoping the prior is correct. She's the main reason I respect and follow the morals of the knight: honor and chivalry so much. I hope that anyone who reads this will hope for the best for me.
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