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Grey Snow

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Grey Snow

  1. Back in about a week or two full time. If C.I.R.C.L.E. voting should, somehow, come up, I'll be missing.
  2. The stones were designed for Matoran, so a Toa wouldn't be able to. Nor would a Turaga. It's just designed for Matoran.
  3. I'm changing my take on 190 to Aye, now that you cleared that up for a bit more, Ausar.
  4. Technically, fighting in the gladiator system could be payment, in a sense, depending on the situation. And I have multiple MOCs of the armor already made, with Matoran inside. At least three models (ground, sky and water).
  5. 211: Aye, no problems with it, personally, since my Bara Magna work isn't in the C.I.R.C.L.E. canon 212: Aye, good species idea, and I always like a female Makuta as a part of the basis 213: Aye. Religious cult? Of course. And everything in it sounds great, with their practices and everything else 214: Aye, mine 215: Aye, sounds important to an epic, and a great idea with somewhat corrupt Toa of Light 216: Aye, sounds like a great idea. I like it that they would go against their own element, and it paid off 217: Aye, mine
  6. 164: Aye, no reason to see why it shouldn't be lifted 184: Aye, I enjoy the backlash of weak will, and the benefits of strong will. Works for me 204: Aye, it seems like a great idea for various works in the future 205: Aye, it's mine 206: Aye, no problems with that turn of events 207: Aye, both are set in alternate universes, so no problems with them. And both sound like great ideas 208: Aye, a great term, in my opinion 209: Aye, mine 210: Aye, mine
  7. 190: Aye, Ausar explained it better below, which made me change my mind. 195: Aye, much better, I think 218-221: Aye, all of them are mine 222: Aye, I like this idea, and it doesn't seem overpowered
  8. I'll have to give it to Zahaku, even over my own.
  9. Yup, I'm going to hire myself out. If you want a MOC created by me: For all MOCS: Username: MOC: (Toa? Makuta? Titan? Vehicle? Rahi? Etc.) For Toa/Makuta/Titan/Similar MOC: Color Scheme: Weapon(s): Kanohi/Helmet: (if applicable) Anything Else: For Vehicle: Vehicle Design: (motorcycle, boat, etc.) Weaponry: Rider Size: Anything Else: For Rahi/Creature: Animal Type: Limbs: Weaponry/Claws/Teeth/Etc.: Color Scheme: Anything Else: Rules: You can submit up to three proposals for me at any given time. I will do them in the order that I receive them. Post them here, do not PM them to me. If I do not have the parts to complete your MOC, I will let you know and ask if any changes can be made to go with that. Otherwise, I will have to decline ones I cannot build. I will post in my blog with a link to the topic that your MOC is hosted in upon completion. Come back any time, but you must wait a week after I have completed your MOC(s) before you can request again. I will finish within three days once I have taken your request, unless something comes up, or you will get rule-free requests-five of them-for one month, should I fail within the time limit. Samples: Unfortunately, most of my new, best MOCs are still on my camera, and I will not upload them until they are needed. So here's only a few samples, not the best by any means, however, but pretty good. Makuta Eish Gallery for a contest, Deadshot Mistika and Takanuva Phantoka
  10. Username: Nazca Entry Description: Weaponry not included. He can wield the blades on his arms, however, as separate weapons. He wears no Kanohi mask of power, but rather a mask system that focuses on the crimson light, and scans the area, bringing everything to his eyes at once, in a blur in order to try to increase brain activity-to respond faster. Gallery, when public
  11. Grey Snow

    Ros 10

    The meeting is from Destiny War, if I'm not mistaken. One of the 08 serials is all I recall, not sure which one offhand, but not Brothers in Arms. It was scheduled back then, but has yet to be mentioned again.
  12. To anyone who has read/is reading the Bara Magna Chronicles, some new information as of tonight: 1. 40 chapters is the 2010 storyline. I am on, I believe, the 16th chapter as of today. 2. The chapters, instead of continuing "Round" is going to change, showing the change in storyline. It becomes "Sermon". 3. At the least, two short stories will be written and posted as companion storylines to go with the 40 chapters. One is instrumental in bridging the gap between the chapter I wrote yesterday, and the storyline that continues into today's chapter that I'm writing, and beyond to the final chapter. The other is just to bring some characterization that I want to get inside, but hadn't the room to put into actual chapters. 4. MOCs of most characters were done, and now, the only "unseen" characters will be Certavus and the Lords. Certavus is not the official image in real canon, but when we see the Lords, they will be, most likely. The Sisters of the Skrall will be drawn, not MOCed, most likely. That's about it.
  13. Grey Snow

    Ros 10

    Where the Piraka have been, or something like that.
  14. So, going through channels today, saw the Valentine's Day Spongebob where he gets a giant valentine for Patrick. So, I watch a few minutes as it goes to commercial...and...it's Nick's "Secret Crush" weekend, or something like that. The obvious answer? They openly admit the relationship of Spongebob and Patrick? I certainly think they admitted it today...
  15. Grey Snow

    Ros 10

    Except we haven't been sending Golden Armor questions for a year...obviously ruling that out.
  16. I just have to do more digging yet into that part of the law process. I think I can do it, however, and it would be fun. I think I would need to run it through C.I.R.C.L.E. first, since it'll be open for all to use anything for, and creation of "firms" from the start.
  17. Grey Snow

    Ros 10

    I've got a feeling it's the Red Star.
  18. I decided upon possibly writing a series of short stories for the C.I.R.C.L.E. canon. Due to writing the crime basis of the Double epics (namely Crime and the City and The Final Game, the former to a greater extent), I might write a series of short stories based on the other side of crime. Court. Create a new island full of laws and codes, and have Matoran and Turaga lawyers, for use on islands such as Doppel Nui and anywhere else requiring law to be carried out. I'd have to figure out how it would be carried out exactly, but it is a possibility I am definitely keeping open.
  19. Grey Snow


    He went out in fashion, though, for Fuuto. And who knows, I'm holding out that we'll see the Nazca Memory again, hence why I just used "Nazca" not "Kirihiko" as my name.
  20. Grey Snow


    Anyone who's seen Kamen Rider W will know why I changed my name, avatar, and personal image to Kirihiko Sudo (Sonozaki)/Nazca Dopant. Because he's awesome. Any other questions?
  21. Ah, thanks. That's exactly where I wanted it.
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