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Spike the Plutonian

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Status Updates posted by Spike the Plutonian

  1. Wow, a whole month without a comment.

  2. So far, Haru's told me it's a song.

  3. Who's the Master of Puppets?

  4. Who said that? I'm pretty far from a noob. I try pretty hard to be serious. And I don't spam.

  5. Maybe if I play it, I'll see how good it is.

  6. I still have it. Too bad.

  7. Good. Someone commented. Shoop da whoop, noobs.

  8. Shoop da whoop is another name for the popular meme "I my firing my lazer!" It's really hilarious.

  9. Sorry. I didn't have internet at my one house, but my other one does, so I'm back for the weekend!

  10. Aaaaaah! No more human dragonflies!!!!

  11. Because Spyro's dragonfly eats butterflies in order to change color!

  12. Weirdest. Slogan. Ever.

  13. Spam! I love spam! I eat spam for breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, dessert and fourthmeal (credits to Taco Bell). I'm on a complete spam diet!

  14. Finally, a comment is posted!

  15. This is hilarious. Good times.

  16. Hey, Philbert. What's up?

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