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-TeRiDaX- the -MaKuTa-

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Status Updates posted by -TeRiDaX- the -MaKuTa-

  1. O_O

    OMG! Happy Thanksgiving (sorry for being late xD)

    I've been busy D: Highschool >_

    So...I don't know what to say xD See ya! n_n

  2. Oh, don't worry about me, but any information about the one who decreased my star counting will be severaly punished, MUAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!

  3. Oh, I saw your BIONICLE zodiac signs, and they were AWESOME!!! I liked LEO the most, because I'm LEO, and you?

  4. Oh, I see. And a little question: HOW IN THE NAME OF MATA NUI MATORO DIED? I heard that he used the Ignika to resurrect Mata Nui, but how? And when?

  5. Oh, so it was that! I thouht it was because it had the same hair cut and what it looked like the Soul Reaver wraith blade.

  6. Oh, so it was that... And sorry if I sounded a bit too harsh or something in the last comment (I was shocked, in some way)

  7. Oh, thank you Vezon the Piraka.

  8. OK, that's good. I mean, it is good because you can practice English. And recommended, because you can be suspended again, or even me!


  10. PS: nice photo you have *-*

    Oh, and you draw very well A_A

  11. Qué quieres decir con que te suspendieron? Te suspendieron de BZP o una suspensión de castigo (algo incorrecto que hayas hecho)?

  12. Se cuenta algo? (Didn't know how to write it in English)

  13. So, Antrozek is a Toa of Tornados...HAHA, well, and, wait, you reached 300 posts? Wow, it has been a loooong time since the last time I logged in.

  14. Sorry for answering too late D:

    I've been busy with highschool ù_ú

    Well, I think I'll join the contest ;D

  15. Sorry for cutting the conversation on the MSN too quickly, a few days ago. I had to do a lot of homework.

  16. Sorry to answering you later (server problems). And, yes, I did some BIONICLE based art, but never showed it at BZP.

  17. Sorry to bother you, but, am I suspended or something? Because the PM menu isn't here, and I have recieved a PM during this time (without the PM menu). Is this something that sometimes happens or is something wrong I did? I write you via comment for obvious reasons.

  18. Spam spam spam, I'm here to spam your profile :P


  19. Thank you so much ^^

    And yeah, I LOVE Spider-man @_@

  20. Thanks Antrozek! I hope your cousing may recover soon his health :)

  21. Toa of the New Republic is really a very, very good story. A cross between BIONICLE and STAR WARS, I never expected something like that!

  22. Two things: 1- I added you as a friend! and 2- I leveled your rank to 5 stars!!! It is always a honor to meet new people!

  23. Wait, didn't understand something. Please, erase last comment (the one before this one)

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