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Zynax-toa of pie

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Status Updates posted by Zynax-toa of pie

  1. why are you guys hurting Lewa?

    anyhoo, i must ask: did you download them yet?

  2. bagels are not as cool as PIE!!!


  3. you know what? we should be friends. *clicks add as friend* there! were friends now!

  4. hello.

    i don't know why but i like saying hi to random people.

  5. i'm great. guess what? i will give you a present!

    *gives pie*

  6. i play tenor/alto sax.

    its good to find someome who plays instruments.

    *gives pie*

  7. hey! just wanted to say hi to my friend. again, thanks alot for the advice.


  8. Danska's kit is awesome.

  9. hey scorch! blew anything up yet?

  10. OMG!! Jones Soda is the best stuff in the world!!

  11. did you make that kit? its awesome!!

  12. hey! just saying hi to my friend.


  13. O_o

    ok! *creates a safe nova blast of pies, make ing sevral thousand pies fly everywhere* enjoy!

  14. 00010110111000111100101011010110!

  15. heh heh. what a coincedence. >,

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