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Zynax-toa of pie

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Status Updates posted by Zynax-toa of pie

  1. O_o

    ok! *creates a safe nova blast of pies, make ing sevral thousand pies fly everywhere* enjoy!

  2. i'm great. guess what? i will give you a present!

    *gives pie*

  3. may the force be with you.

  4. heh heh. what a coincedence. >,

  5. *makes chewbacca sound*

  6. O_O

    you are a very strange person.

  7. O_o


    take this *gives pie shaped like a sausage*

  8. sure! *gives acid pie* hope you like it!

  9. i know young grasshopper

  10. the force is strong with this one.

  11. ooooh explosions!!!

    o_o XD


  12. *makes chewbacca sound*

  13. :( why isn't any one commenting?

    *starts sobbing and goes into depressed state*

  14. at this exact moment my bird is on my head nibbling at my ear(he likes to nibble).

  15. 00010110111000111100101011010110!

  16. what about your self MOC dandezille made for you when you were tahu of the swamp?

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