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Blog Comments posted by Teemaich

  1. Everyone's gonna keep on making Twilight Topics, and everyone's gonna flame it.




    Seriously, I'm starting to think the people making the topics about the series are just major trolls waiting for the flame to break out.

    But, here's a message to those of you who are actually SERIOUS about making those topics, remember, the Twilight demographic doesn't exist in large bundles here. The Twilight hatedom (which is most of the internet) does though. If you want to talk about the series, this is NOT the place to do it. Go to a Twilight "fansite", (I put this in quotes because really, the whole site could be infested with the itnernet Twilight hatedom by now)

    Your official topic here in CoT will just be engulfed in flames, and the firefighter known as B6 will have to come and put them out. He's tired of doing that. It's like a building that keeps burning down, getting rebuilt, and burning down again. Eventually the firefighters will get tired and forbid you from constructing that building again. Twilight has one of the biggest hatedoms in existence right now, don't stoke the fires.

    I love you.

  2. I don't how this is insulting in any way.


    If you're talking about the comments on social skills of BZPers, I've seen a lot worse, which the staff have completely ignored.


    If you're talking about obesity, nothing offensive or insulting was said about it at all.

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