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Everything posted by Teemaich

  1. Teemaich

    Oh My

  2. I'm even worse at sports. I see that you've almost completed your goal of getting to 1000 posts, Good Luck with getting to 1000 posts. Oh, and here's my Blog Approval! You've earned it. [img]http://www.majhost.com/gallery/zach806/Other/appwoval.png[img]
  3. *explodes again*

  4. I wish my tests were over. =( I haven't read the Narnia series, but I've seen the The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it was pretty good, so I'm looking foward to the new The Chronicles of Narnia Movie. Also, Lego would only stop Bionicle if the Bionicle sales went down, and I think I read that Bionicle has been going well at the shops, so they wouldn't stop making Bionicle, at least not for a while. =)
  5. *adds Koontay to friends list*

  6. *Eats Koontay*

  7. *helps Ghosti Girlpunch everyone who was poking me*

  8. Trapped in the Drive-Thru, definitley. Or maybe Couch Potato, which I'm listening to as I type this out.
  9. S-s-stop poking me. ;_;

  10. Ugh. Not tests. :annoyed2: You're lucky that you've finished your tests, I still have another 7 months of tests in school to look foward to. And, I too would dislike a new Bionicle Universe, because it would be weird not having all of your favorite characters in the storyline. Luckily, I believe Greg said something about not re-starting Bionicle, just that it is heading in a new direction.
  11. Yay! Not my normal blog! I really want Toa Ignika, but unfortunately, he hasn't come out where I live yet. You're really lucky getting him, I've wanted Toa Ignika for ages. =(
  12. OH NOES 'TIS A GIRL GHOSTI! *hides*

  13. Mr. JubJub, Ghosti speaks the truth. And thanks again for the comment on the Picture, Koontay. ^_^

  14. Yaaay Koontay.

  15. I know I'm late, but... And congrats on a great recital.
  16. -Oh noes Nixmatwo is spamming. ;_;

    -Thanks Koontay ^_^

    -Please elaborate Piraka Hunter kthnx

  17. *agrees with Nixmatwo also*


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