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Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

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Status Updates posted by Toa Optimar-Toa of Gravity!

  1. After greatly enjoying your epic I had to review it :) Read my thoughts...

  2. It's certainly a unique name, short but unique :D


  3. Hello, I noticed you enjoy reading and reviewing epics. May I recommend any of my two epics, Shadows in the Mist, or The Calling? They're both quite entertaining reads if you'd care to see for yourself ^_^

  4. To be perfectly honest? I'm depressed -_-; It's really getting in the way of my creative flair *sigh*


  5. Hmm, I see. So what are your most recent sprites?

  6. Oh, really? Hmm...well, I do like the epic, I don't know, I just clicked it and automatically just reviewed XD Sorry, but if you'd like to post a chapter of What a grudge can do, go for it. Thanks for reviewing my epic :)

  7. 8 years is a good amount of time to live somewhere...


  8. Yep, exactly. Though, you don't have a personal profile photo? Mine is a joke, have you read it?

  9. If anyone is interested, I've been gravely ill for several days. For this reason, I gave myself the week off from continuing my latest epic, Swamp of Shadows. To readers of said epic, I apologize, but needed the time to heal. Much obliged,


  10. Hey Exo, whats up? :D I've been buried by school wotk for months, and now I'm kinda trying to relax some during this recent vacation time, not much time to spend at BZP as a result. Glad you liked my short story, it was refreshing to finally write something again heh. Im going to keep it up this week though, finally rested up :) Good to hear from you...

  11. Thanks for reviewing my epic again, you're very insightful :) So, did you have a good 4th of July? Hope you come back to read more,


  12. Hey, thanks for wishing me a happy 4th yesterday. How was yours? BTW I read your PM, and I've just started on your new banner, but the going is kinda slow (school started for me again, lotsa homework) but its no prob. It'll be done by tonight,


  13. Merry Christmas to you as well! Did you recieve many Phantoka? I have em all XD soooo awesome...anyway, hope yours is a good one

  14. Yes, I have returned ^_^ I'll be updating SitM every Friday from now on, so you'll know when to expect its appearance. Can't wait for a review,


  15. Yeah, same here. It was a combination of lack of time, and too much stress that made me drop out. I feel kinda depressed not being able to have the opportunity to win BA10 (its the only one I'm missing) -_-;;;


  16. Oh, did so you've seen The Hulk by now? How is it?


  17. Ah I see it, reader discretion bit sure is eye catching :D Yeah getting back into the swing of things with a new chapter in SitM tomorrow evening. Ooh, you're offering me a review? I'd be honored if you could review The Calling, it definitely needs more feedback. The Jedi kind :)

  18. I updated Shadows in the Mist, man. Sorry about the wait ;_;


  19. Just, you know, whenever you have time. I think I'll be up all night writing both reports for school and a new chapter for SitM for tomorrow ^_^;;

  20. Hmm...your offer is quite intriguing. The trouble I've had is partly being unable to come up with a convincing female type character for Anri, perhaps you could maybe help me flesh out her character? :D

  21. Thanks for reviewing my epic! I appreciate it, for I believed at first it wasn't a good epic. Thanks again, and come back soon to read more chapters.

  22. Hey there Exo. To answer your Q, I do reply to my comments (eventually XD) on the commentor's profile. I'm doing okay, sorta stressed about how I'm going to finish my entry for EC7. I'm started your banner by the way in 3...2...1...:)


  23. I just need like...maybe some inner thoughts that you might consider female Matoran type thoughts? :D Heh, I don't really know myself, something different from the norm like Hahli, edgier maybe?

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