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voiced otter

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Status Updates posted by voiced otter

  1. ok ty for info on the rpg

  2. man teebert u should join msn

    oh and whens the second warriors rpg starting??? and whens it set

  3. Shyyrn come on the warriors rpg

    ur clan needs

  4. ok that last comment came out of nowhere

  5. i just rated you 5 stars so yea

    i sneak up behind D-E with a shotgun and then i dissapear

  6. hey vak u need help defending this page coz all of the millions of bikonuvas and discombobulated matoran will help if u need

  7. hey disky why u wondering wots up but nm if u must know

  8. yes im bobby bringer of seaweed

  9. is ur personal photo a cat with a rockat launcher?

  10. hi um you posted a comment on my profile and um y

  11. um do i know you ~EliteSpartan-6~

  12. dunno and what u mean

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