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R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

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Status Updates posted by R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

  1. -slips off chair- Maybe the rope shouldn't have been this long and the gun should've been loaded.

  2. -has rope around neck and gun to head- What?

  3. -stops crying- I'm better now, lol.

  4. omg newbie 7alk 71me!111one111!eleven!one hundred elevn

  5. Yeah. I made you a new Pantera topic.

  6. wonder what they do at Aetheist churchs. "Oh God who don't beleive in we pray to thee." lol.

  7. Everyones gonna' go to **** so don't even take a religion, unless Satanism is your religion.

  8. **** religion, there's no need for it. No matter what religion you choose you're going to ######.

  9. See what happens when you try to convert people, they have to go to school.

  10. Did you see that PM I sent, lol.

  11. -naws on toes- You've got a problem? Yoink!

  12. I know... so how've you been doing?

  13. 'Sounds like a sexy cheeseburger.'

  14. Les Pauls rock! I own an X-Plorer and I've played a Les Paul. I think the Les Paul has a btter play and ring to it.

  15. Why are you still here? I thought you quit.

  16. Instead of "Go cry in a corner." put "Go put a bullet in your head." Much more nice.

  17. Would you consider A7X metal?

  18. That store is for *******! That's the problem with Hot Topic.

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