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R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

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Status Updates posted by R.I.P. Chuck Schuldiner

  1. How'd ya' get BAD TRADER!?

  2. I'm not angry,just wondering why?

  3. I can't remember what stuff you wanted from me in our trade?

  4. would it be okay if I used a poisoned HUa instead of the normal one?

  5. I sold more albums than you.©

  6. People=**** to you my fellow maggot!

  7. I sold more albums than you.

  8. Aww,such a cute personal picture.Now where's the picture of you wearing your SUFI shirt?

  9. I had forgot to say;Thank you for the trade and also thank you for the to poisoned Huas!

  10. I'm requesting a Pbzo here.This is what I look like.http://www.majhost.com/gallery/necrons/InhabitantsOfKoloNui/Toa/Necrons/necrons_001.jpg

  11. Hey,dude,how are ya' these days?

  12. I sold more albums than you.

  13. Dude,why haven't you posted in my Rpg in awhile?

  14. Hello and welcome to Bzpower!

  15. Hello,maggot!You know what that means,right?

  16. Awh,you picture of me,how sweet!

  17. Wait I thought you were a girl but in Pics of Yourselves you're a guy,weird!

  18. Hey,thanks for the add!


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