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Everything posted by .:Mclovin:.

  1. WOOOOOOO im virtually loved

  2. Lol the advert is so funny

  3. I know why dont people reconise are greatness ?


  5. oh no u didnt * weird hand thing * yO mamas so fat when she walks down the street and wears red people say " here comes the bus "

  6. Awesome , have u seen Super bad then

  7. Lolz that was a bit harsh XD

  8. Its okay me and my friends link arms and skip around the school corridors for a laugh any way. often getting dirty looks from from the wannabe ganstars Yo

  9. Lols and your on my awesomness guy of awesome list , Omg u newb ure not puttin up ser harcore est band evars linkin park

  10. Lol u love the deathmetal , im more fond of thrash myself but death is still awesomeness

  11. Yar just recently got a new Girlfriend and ive been spending a lot of time with her

  12. Beetle juice beetle juice beetle juice

  13. Lolz have u seen superbad

  14. Reject you reality and substitute my own

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