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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    This game is everything I thought it would be and more.
    Zero is such a fun character to play. Snipin' everything all day, and when enemies get close (or I decide to get close), I just finish them off with some sweet melee moves.
    Just got an amazing sniper too. It does about 250 damage, 96 accuracy, 30% chance of 31 electrical damage per second, and to top that all off, it penetrates and bounces off walls.
    Lovin the humor as well. When I went to a vending machine, I heard Marcus yelling "Catch a GUUUUUN *cough*, never doing that again."
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    Woke up this morning. Ate breakfast. Turned on my laptop, started up steam.
    What's this? The power went out? Looks like the world's already ending. Whatever. At least I'm already on steam and can start playing my new game, mirror's edge.
    Ukay don't care 'bout no pocalypse.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    Downloaded the demo today. Wow is this game fun. Not to mention it has amazing customization for not only your main character, but also your main pawn.
    It's really funny that you can play as a child. I can just imagine playing as a child and having 3 pawns who are also children. It would be hilarious.
    Once this game goes on a sale, I will definitely pick it up.
    And this is only part 1 because I need to wait until I take pictures of some of my characters that I've made.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Looks like I'm finally an outstanding member. I did of course, pay for 4/5 points of it (and that was not my intention. The blog is what I really wanted), but what matters is that I actually got 1 point "fairly". I can now say I have successfully contributed to BZP with my front page news story.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    All this gametype is doing is increasing my love of the pyro even mooooore! So much fun! I luckily got into a server that had a max of 6 people so that we had no people complaining in the spectator. Not only that though, but we managed to do an 8 round and a 6 round without losing a single wave. We also managed to constantly get all the money.
    Here's some of my personal tips.
    If you do have an engineer (Which is probably a very good idea), a pyro is almost a necessity. His ability to airblast sentry killers is a life saver. A heavy is great to have for fairly obvious reasons. A spy is very useful for sapping everything and backstabbing uber medics before they can uber. A medic is always ridiculously useful as well. Scouts are actually amazing at this. I haven't used one, but I've seen them doing amazing things. They can be an amazing distraction especially since they can gain health when they get money. A demoman is very useful for huge sticky traps. I don't see much use for the sniper though. Damage is nice I guess, and jarate is really the only good thing about him IMO. I soldier is good too, but he's one of my least favorite classes. The buff is useful I guess.
    Also, I suck at using airblast on anything but stalling an enemy. I can block a rocket now and then, but I cannot blast back 10. A major league scout is easily one of your biggest threats. A massive amount of health combined with his bomb delivering speed has destroyed our chances at winning multiple times. And as a pyro, the normal scouts are my favorite enemy. BURN BABY BURN!
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    For too long have I idly sat by and let Friday slip through my fingers! FRIDAY FUNNY LIIIIIVES!!!
    And while this not be funny, I just thought I should share that this is a real movie that is really being made.

  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    First off, just letting you know Friday funny is no more. It wasn't the popular and I'm not on here enough to do it right. Anyway, on to the subject at hand.
    Looper is an amazing movie. One of my favorites now. Everything from the plot to the acting is really cool, and the trailer didn't even spoil the movie. Seriously, if you haven't seen the movie yet and are age appropriate (2 topless girls for a short time and 2 implied sexual scenes) go see it. Now.
  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    I bought four things while I was camping, all of them really cool, especially the last one.
    1. Bionicle graphic novel #8. The first two stories and art were amazing. The third one was good two, and you get to see the element lords, but I still hate his art style. The art was best in the first story, and my favorite story was the one with Malum. It gave him so much character, and my opinion of him is much higher now. But the first two stories make me sad since now we'll never see baterra or a green rock steed as real sets. ;__;
    2. Hero factory sets. Jimi and Meltdown. And I had no idea that these two were paired against each other on the back of the boxes. I was debating whether to buy him or Xplode, but the dciding facotr was when I saw the side view of Meltdown's face. I had thought it was just round, but to my delight has 3 points. And it frusturates me to no end the stupid gun arm on Jimi. If they had fiddled around with the mold, they could've easily put it on another arm. Then I could have two black hands. Also, his helmet is still the coolest.
    3. Halo Reach t-shirt. This is my favorite item that I purchased. It's so amaaaazing. The only bad thing about it is that I can't wear it all the time. Stupid body odor.
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, seeing as I'm one of the only ones who actually finds (most of) my Friday funnies actually funny, and since I make a habit of missing them, I decided I would post something that should make you smile.
    Actor Ron Perlman put on the full Heckboy (DARN YOU BZP WORD FILTER) costume make-up for a terminally-ill child for the make-a-wish foundation. It really shows what a great guy Ron is, especially since that is a lot of makeup to put on, just to see a child for half a day. A lot of actors wouldn't have done it, and I really respect Ron for that.
    Here's a link to a picture that I hope will warm your heart.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Great googly moogly!
    I can get Darksiders, Saints row the third, Metro 2033, Red faction armageddon, and 3 company of heroes games all for 5 bucks? Yes please.
    Played a bit of the first 3, and I am liking them all very much. Probably will play Saints row first because of how ridiculous it is.
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I traded for the first time in TF2. What is it about these trades that make them seem shiftier than drug deals?
    I used some special site that uses bots for the trade though. I really didn't need that strange grenade launcher.
    But I definitely needed this.
    I also got a refined metal out of it.
    It's funny though, the first game I played with it, I got the top score. feelsgoodman.jpg
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    The new borderlands 2 trailer was pretty great. Clap trap dancing to dubstep? Yes please.
    And I am totally gonna be Zero and nobody is gonna stop me. I'm gonna miss my bloodhawk though.
  13. Ultimate_Kardas
    The year is 2001. My mom is pushing me out of walmart in a shopping cart. I have already finished building my first Bionicle ever, Pohatu.
    I drop the rock that came with him.
    I frantically look around I the ground. I can't find it. My mom stops and casually looks around for it. We can't find it.
    My mom comforts me, and we go home, no rock in hand.
    Fast forward to the present.
    I'm at the house of one of my mom's friends. There's a big bucket of Lego nearby and I figure there might be a few bionicle pieces in the mix. There was, and her son also had a whole bunch more stuff that I didn't have, and will probably be going back to buy from him.
    Anyway, that's when I see it. Not 1, but 3 rocks. Just like the one I lost that day. I find the woman's son and ask him if I can have one. He says sure.
    Reunited at long last.
  14. Ultimate_Kardas
    Again, it's not midnight yet.

    In all seriousness though, I did. I was looking at movies reviews in the newspaper awhile ago and heard hunger games was pretty good. I knew it was a book series, but when the review mentioned the author was Suzanne Collins, I felt like I knew the name. I remember really liking a book series she wrote. I kept thinking of the Silverwing series for some reason.
    Anyway, looked her up on the internet, and as it turns out, she wrote the Gregor the Overlander series. One of the most awesome series ever. Can't believe I forgot her name.
    So you love her because she wrote the hunger games and you saw the movie? Pfff. You're so uncool.
  15. Ultimate_Kardas
    I have a complicated relationship with this store.
    I just went there to get two t shirts since it was buy one get half off another. I ended up buying a simple black shirt with the N7 symbol and the red slash. The other shirt I bought wasn't as subtle and had this on it.
    Anyway, while they do have some awesome shirts (seriously, most of my favorite shirts are from there), I also feel slightly embarrassed to go into the store. There's the cool comic book and video game t-shirts, but then there's Twilight merchandise covering half the store. And some of the normal t shirts make me facepalm. Ex: A shirt that says "YOUR MOM".
    And half the time I go there there's some cool employees who know about whatever shirt I'm buying and I've had a lot of good conversations about video games and stuff like that.
    But the other half of the times I go there there's some 50 year old guy with bright pink hair, goth make up, and piercings everywhere. He then follows me around the store while I try to get away from him, constantly asking if I need help.
    Also, they've practically ruined Invader Zim for me.
    But hey, I noticed 3 MLP shirts some people would like. They all had the pony with the Rainbow in some shape or form on them and one said "about 20% cooler" or something.
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