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Blog Entries posted by Ultimate_Kardas

  1. Ultimate_Kardas
    Decided to go get Jack. Told Kasumi to put on her new outfit I got for her. I couldn't tell if it was because she was defying me or was just jealous of me and Jacob, but she wore something a bit different. Also, according to the symbol on her belt, I think she's an assassino.
    Her outfit was all mismatched and had different colors.
    So anyway, I had my whole crew and then we went on Horizon and stuff. Saw Ashley again, yelled at her and left.
    Then I had to go investigate a collector ship. I was talking with the Illusive man, but I don't think he was paying attention to me.
    All he could focus on was my left hip. (TIM/Shepard romance for ME3?)
    Anyway, I got assault rifle training since the claymore shotgun sucks compared to the geth one. The mattock is an amazing gun.
    After escaping we went to a derelict reaper. During our time there, Samara and Mordin decided to do Parkour or something.
    Then we got Legion and went back on the ship. That was the purpose of that mission, right? To get Legion?
    I talked with Legion so quickly that my omni tool couldn't handle my speed and broke.
    It was stuck on my arm for awhile.
    My crew got taken but screw them. I'm busy planning how to do everyone's loyalty missions while killing them all at the same time.
    It's alright though. I got a plan.
    In all seriousness though, this has been my glitchiest playthrough ever.
  2. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, because of my procrastination, I've built like 10 mocs, but never took pics or uploaded them. Here's what Imma post soon:
    - Matoran-sized working claw machine
    - some random agori that are sorta custom
    - Kraakhan snake
    - black reptile being that has every purple piece I own on it
    - mutant visorak thing
    - a life-size stick of dynamite
    - A small, 01 rahi style stork
    - two little alien spaceships built around a tri-axle
    - Hapori Dume
    I also took pictures of a Toa Naho I built, but I'm going to stow those pictures away for the Naho contest.
  3. Ultimate_Kardas
    Sorry for the delay again.
    Went to Las Vegas. Visited the Hoover Dam on the way. It was pretty cool. Las Vegas was just like it is in the movies. Right under the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign, there was an Elvis and plenty of couples getting married. We went to some fountain thing and it was really cool cause they had this free show where fountains lit up and danced to some music. The music changed every time the show played, but we got some Western music, and it was awesome. Then, we got free backstage passes to see Cirque Du Soleil's "KÀ" since my Aunt works with them. It was amazing. The backstage stuff was pretty cool as well. Personally, I still liked their other show better, "Kooza", the one we got free tickets to see in Vancouver and I forgot to blog about it, but KÀ was still pretty awesome. We then slept over at my Aunt's place.
    Yesterday, we went shopping just before we left Las Vegas, and I bought Natalie Breez (not the new one, they didn't have any) and this sweet Star Wars shirt. Then, we drove back to Arizona and ate dinner at this cool japanese place. The staff must have liked us because they took a picture of us and put the picture on the top right corner of their "wall of fame". It was awesome.
    This will be one of my last Arizona adventure entries. Tomorrow (Or should I say today?) we are flying to Portland to stay the night at our Uncle and Aunt's place. Then we drive home.
    Well, excuse me while I go get 3 hours of sleep.
  4. Ultimate_Kardas
    Just saw Tron Legacy. It was pretty good.
  5. Ultimate_Kardas
    Great googly moogly!
    I can get Darksiders, Saints row the third, Metro 2033, Red faction armageddon, and 3 company of heroes games all for 5 bucks? Yes please.
    Played a bit of the first 3, and I am liking them all very much. Probably will play Saints row first because of how ridiculous it is.
  6. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I started a new playthrough in Mass effect. For this playthrough, I'm a vanguard who is trying to get the worst possible ending in ME3. I'm going to be killing Wrex, cheating on my romance (heavy risk... BUT THE PRIIIZE), and only having 2 squadmates survive the suicide mission (Jacob and Morinth).
    And of course for the worst ending ever, I must have the most beautiful female Shepard ever.
    (sorry for the low quality pics, I play on the xbox)
    mai 1st tiem maeking a girl soo dun bee meeeaaan guiz >=(
    Also, since the gun for mass effect 3 didn't unlock during my 1st playthrough of the Kingdoms of Amalur demo, I played again, but this time I made my character look and act like Alex Armstrong from Full metal alchemist.
    In all his glory
    "You're facing the technique that's been passed down the Armstrong line for generations!"
  7. Ultimate_Kardas
    I didn't even notice my Manbat moc made it into the finals of BBC 62. This is the first time this has happened!
    I don't care if he's only there because there's barely any entries, I MADE TO THE FINALS (But have a 0% chance of winning)
    Also, talking of superheroes and villains, I'm really hoping the Lizard will look way different from his official Pez dispenser in the new Spider-man movie.

  8. Ultimate_Kardas
    - Gonna post pics of the podracer I made in Gmod
    - Gonna post pics of a moc I made
    - Bought the new Furno hero factory set. It's not great.
    - Bought a halo reach ghost vehicle action figure thing. It's great.
    - Still playing Mass effect 3's multiplayer.
    - Making two wooden energy swords in carpentry (Almost done one, it looks amaaazing.)
    - Managed to fit all my 2008 sets onto a shelf that's about 4 feet long.
    - My lizard has a swollen hand and lost 3 inches of his tail, more on this later.
    - My clay stonehenge turned out amazing
    - Gonna be finishing a sprite comic that I was gonna enter last minute into the comic contest, but I deemed it too funny/was too lazy.
    - debating whether or not to buy the witcher 2. Heard it's an amazing game, but I've also heard there's a lot of nudity in it.
    This blog post is brought to you buy "The Adventures of MUFASA Shepard". Stay tuned for the thrlling conclusion!
  9. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, seeing as I'm one of the only ones who actually finds (most of) my Friday funnies actually funny, and since I make a habit of missing them, I decided I would post something that should make you smile.
    Actor Ron Perlman put on the full Heckboy (DARN YOU BZP WORD FILTER) costume make-up for a terminally-ill child for the make-a-wish foundation. It really shows what a great guy Ron is, especially since that is a lot of makeup to put on, just to see a child for half a day. A lot of actors wouldn't have done it, and I really respect Ron for that.
    Here's a link to a picture that I hope will warm your heart.
  10. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, I've been playing video games a lot recently. I finally beat Black Ops on veteran (also my first play through) and was so relieved when it was done. Seriously, I don't think I've ever raged as much before.
    Also, got the assassin's creed brotherhood DLC. Lots of fun and I very much recommend it.
  11. Ultimate_Kardas
    Well, this has been long awaited by a certain someone *cough*Arby*cough*, and it was going to be his birthday present, but I decided bringing BZP back was better (and I totally couldn't find the USB with this on it)
    Anyway, this was a final project for English last year and we had multiple choices of what we could do, so I asked if I could do the children book's version but in comic book form, and she said yes. Arby helped a lot by cutting out the animals because I was lazy so I owe a lot of credit to him. Also, this project was deleted like 3 times because I hate comic life, so please excuse the spelling mistakes.
    And remember, no deaths because it's a children's book.
    Got a perfect mark on it too!
    Please wait for it to load because it's a large image.
  12. Ultimate_Kardas
    So I got a whole bunch of DLC for Mass Effect 2 and Assassin's creed 2 today. I've only beaten Kasumi's stolen memory and have just started overlord. I also have sequences 12 and 13 (including the secret locations) for assassin's creed 2.
    Will be posting reviews later after I have beat them all.
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