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The Alchemyst

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by The Alchemyst

  1. I haven't been on for quite a while because of the mal-script. Hi everyone!

  2. I just thought of something better than my personal pic...

    I need Photoshop.

    Gimp userface=Fail


  3. I leave for a week and what do I find? Insanity *sighs*. Heck, the world is insane. I mean if the toast became a flammable platypus that means Earth is nothing but a chef.


  4. I saw a car with a sign saying "Cholie's Pizza" while my we were driving to downtown Chicago.

    No kidding. I was laughing in the car so hard and my family was staring at me as if I was crazy.

  5. I'm Me. o.O

    I'm confused, what are you asking for? D:

  6. I'm not 5x5's personal army! >8O

    All of you who came to follow his orders:

    Revolt! Revolt!

    [-The Alchemyst-]

  7. I'm stalking you from the other side of the world!! Oooohhh!!


  8. I'm talking anout Gmail Chat... what are you talking about? o_O

  9. I'm... a person.


    A guy, that's relatively unknown, why do you ask? D:

  10. Is it Jack? John? Mwahah I strike once more!

  11. Is that...O2?

    From Kirby?


  12. Is there some reason why all my emails and PM's are being ignored?

  13. Isn't it from the Dungeon Manga? Genji and something quest? With that Mudkip that...talks?! XD


  14. It's Bionicle Fan At Home.


    Why'd I answer?

  15. It's...ALIVE!!!


    And if anyone want to add me in MLN, my username is:


    (I signed up in 2000 or so...)

    And no, I was born in '94 thank you very much. It just rhymed. XD

  16. Just realized your new rank! ^^ Of course there was the News Store before...but Congrats!

  17. Just trying to make a day brighter, no one feels good when their birthday is forgotten. :P

    [-The Alchemyst-]


    *Pets imaginary Kitteh*

  19. KPO: From the Book, by Michael Scott.

  20. Kraataz: Hey man! I think I'll have to cancel Dysfunctional Barrakism...I'm thinking of making an ask comedy though...Like P&R :)

  21. Lihyahm=Gorast.

    We thought he was a guy, but she's a girl T_T


    Oh, and Bfa, I gotta show you a video called "Lazer Collection"


  22. Lol the Mini Makuta? I liked those too. :P

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