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Status Updates posted by Enceladus

  1. ok. I loved the movie 9

  2. Ponder the name of cheese. It will grant you good times.

  3. Thank you for your comment, Bugs!

  4. We eat that all the time...

  5. Well, He's pretty funny.

    So, Who do you like on Flipnote Hatena?

  6. What's your username on there? Mine is Neptune©

  7. Who is the person who says who is who?

  8. Wow it's weirder Pops nooero eegdiho... RANDOM HOUR!!!!!

  9. Yes, I have a Dsi.

    I didn't know the dsi XD was out yet.

  10. Yes, I have been on Flipnote Hatena.

    Have you?

  11. Yessss!!! Weeeeehoooo!

  12. YO GABAGABA AAAAAAAAAAAA halp meh halp meh

  13. yo yo yo welcome to the show!!

  14. You make the best spinnys I have ever seen!

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