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Golden Flame

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Everything posted by Golden Flame

  1. That DOES sound like a good idea! My stats: AGILITY: 4/5 STRENGHTH: 8/10 INTELLIGENCE: 10/10 --Golden Flame--
  2. Here's my Bio: A Ta-Matoran from a land called Zana-Nui had been sent on a mission to explore Bara-Magna, and his name was Golden Flame. But in orbit of Bara-Magna, his ship was hit by a peice of debris from one of their two moons, and the ship crashed. Goden Flame was out cold. When he awoke he had been transformed into an Agori, and was surrounded by Bone Hunters. He was taught about Bara-Magna, and then the ways of the Bone Hunters. When he learned of the Bone Hunter way, he destroyed the entire tribe and left the horrid scene. He was then knocked into a coma by a rock flying in a sandstorm, and was surrounded by Vorox and Zesk when he came to. The Zesk taught him their language, how to run on all fours, how to properly detect water in the desert, and Golden Flame even grew a tail. Then, he killed the Alpha Vorox in a fight for dominance, took the blade off of the stinger tail, and went back to the surface, where he got used to walking on two legs again and cut off his tail. In the wastelands again, he met Malum. With Golden Flame's advanced technology from his homeworld and Malum's brawn, they trie to make a time machine to go to before Malum's exile and keep it from happenning, but when they tested it, it created a space-time rift that destroyed all worlds, but gave Golden Flame and four other individuals special powers. Powers that allowed them to create new worlds... And they did. A born leader and an extremely savage fighter, his intellect is gigantic but is easily blinded by rage. His technological skill is only rivaled by his sense of what's right, extreme though it may seem. The rift only gave four other individuals powers because Mindscape already had them. --Golden Flame--
  3. The name of my brother was Bronze Flame. Oh, and my Fire Legion has easily recovered from that civil war, although it'll never bring Lhikan back. And just for the record, the civil war was aaall Malum's idea. And my terrritories have Flame Nuva guards, they're protodermis spawned forms of Malum. The territory of mine you are connected with is Pyrox-Magna. --Golden Flame--
  4. How? You don't rule a Legion! Do you mean the Legion you support? Is it the Fire Legion? SUPPORT THE FIRE LEGION OR YOU WILL DIE!!! Oops... Heh, got carried away there. --Golden Flame--
  5. Oh, you might want to add that Zana-Magna has the Fire Legion base in it's capital city, Zarana. Also, that it is the sucsessful recreation of my home planet. --Golden Flame--
  6. Cool... Add the Water Legion locations next! Also, ya made a typo. It's Vizox-Magna. --Golden Flame--
  7. Yeah! I think you should mention that I tried to rebuild Bara-Magna, but alas, I failed. Also, I should say somewhere that I thought that Malum deserved better than the Fire-Tribe. But at any rate, THIS IS AWESOME!!! Also, Mesonak is awesome and everybody praise him! Give him mad props, but he's no god. --Golden Flame--
  8. 1:Well, if it was Team Makuta Brutaka Flame,

    A: It'd be too wordy.

    B: It'd mean we're evil, and we're not.

    2: SURE!

    --Golden Flame--

  9. Go to the kit help topic for that. There may not be a "my comics" for long.

    --Golden Flame--

  10. Since the PM system is down, this was the only way to contact you. I NEED THE CHIMORUOMEGA BANANAS! It's an emergency. If I don't get them soon, I won't have a Halloween special for my comics! PLEASE!

    --Golden Flame--

  11. Choconuva, I'm a PGS for your comics, which means you use me in your comics as you like. It doesn't mean I request you to put me in one. So just use me in most or all of your comics, kay?

    --Golden Flame--

  12. Sorry, I tried, but my mom acidentally deleted it.

    --Golden Flame--

  13. But that's because I've been busy. I'll get it done. NOW.

    --Golden Flame--

  14. Okay, but if you become the PGS, you'll become chimoru omega.

    --Golden Flame--

  15. Acctually, the PGS will be announced at 2.0. But you can GS!

    --Golden Flame--

  16. Banjon Wildough: Okay.

    The snake master: What?

    --Golden Flame--

  17. A new chapter of ask Golden Flame is up.

  18. Your comic is up!

    --Golden Flame--

  19. Question for your comedy:

    Dear Karzahni,

    Was it you or your stunt double crying after Lessovikk kicked your but?

    --Golden Flame--

    After he sends me a nightmare I turn it into a toa and send it to him.

  20. A new chapter of my comedy is up!

  21. I updated your kit.

    --Golden Flame--

  22. I'll PGS or GS. Either one's fine for me.

    Sprites: Cimoru Omega

    Bio: Randomly goes insane, a cyborg, addicted to cookies & pie.

    Powers: Robotic attacks

    Good or bad: Good.

  23. Both your comic and a 1-panel are up.

  24. I have my own comics. Want to read them sometime?

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