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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. Thats a cool photo. Anyways, most people will change their minds about the Mistika a few months later anyways. I like them.

  2. BOXN

    thats a creepy picture of Data.

  3. Thats a trick question, right?

  4. thats a wicked personal photo!

  5. Thats true what you say about Halo.

  6. Thats you? Oh, I might change my RuneScape account name to, 'The Dude'. Sounds stupid, doesn't it.

    Ever read, 'The Grapes of Wrath'?

  7. The graphic novel is better than the movie

  8. the guy in the av is you, right....?

  9. the Inheritance trilogy is now the Inheritance cycle.

  10. the only Christian band i like is Red

  11. The Paladin class is gonna be released today or tomorrow.

  12. the riverside guys are HUGE!!! they are bout the size of ninth graders, but they're in 7th grade

  13. then i would see a bump, and ask, 'hey Kaptain kopaka, are you under there?'

  14. BOXN

    There is a space break within the second to last Pokemon word in your profile. Just letting you know.

  15. they are Ratchet and Clank ones.

  16. They don't trust you. ( i dont GET ITTTT!!!!!)

  17. BOXN

    they have Silver heads and four spikes on their heads like a silver rising sun.

  18. they're okay. Try Omega and the Mechanical Animals

  19. Thinking about it. Might get Flower and a bunch of Minis.

  20. this:

    Sad, my rating went back down to a four.

  21. BOXN


    Philip J. Fry ='D

  22. Thnx, but can you please post in that topic? The beginning is a bit boring, but the rest is good. I play RS also.

  23. Those are good bands also.

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