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Posts posted by T.B.O.C

  1. I'm sure it was all an intended effect. What I want to know is, how did Teridax make all those spheres? BS01 just said he made them. Did he make them out of EP? Did he use Rahkshi labour? These are all questions I want to know the answer to.

    Well, with Makuta, I'm not too surprised he made them. If I remember correctly, in Legends of Metru-Nui, they were trying to enforce the concept of Teridax imprisoning them, (in process making them forget Metru-Nui and anything else, to become brainwashed) and then reawakening them, to be their leader. I guess I never really implemented the whole taking over the MU plot into it (which is kind of weird, considering that's what he's been doing the entire time)I guess what boils down to now is, was the physical effect intentional or non-intentional? I know Erebus was talking about them being weaker so they couldn't overthrow or rebel against him (which, in all aspects is a very logical idea) but again, I don't think we know for sure. I'd PM Greg about this, but he has a lot of other things to tend to at the moment, as we all know.Wow, this is the best BIONICLE conversation I've had in a while... we should do this more often.
  2. Does anyone else play LeafGreen Version? It's my current file, and I think it's not too bad. Besides Kabuto and Kabutops (of which by Saturday, I should have a few of) I have all 151 Kanto Pokemon (yes, Mew as well, though only for my Pokedex, I don't have one on my game :( ) Blastoise is definetly my favorite, as my starter was Squirtle, and Blastoise is an amazing evolutions, though mine has too many water moves (Hyrdo Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf) and needs more normal, strong moves. I also have most Hoenn legnedaries (except Jirachi, Deoxys and Latios) from my friend, who Game Shark'ed them (I'm not too proud of that...)

  3. So, it's common knowlegde that the Matoran of Metru-Nui lost their memories and became smaller in stature because of prolonged time inside the matoran spheres. My question is: why?I feel that in the back of my mind, I know this, but prolonged time away from BIONICLE made me frget (bad pun, huh?)Was that an effect the matoran spheres were supposed to have for Teridax's plan? I remember that they were to have forgotten some things, so they would believe Teridax to be their saviour, but was the physical effect a by-product or was it intentional?

  4. Amazing! That's a very neat little piece you got there. I would assume it's probably a factory mistake (not enough color injection, I'd assume) rather than something else.On the topic of rare spheres, besides my normal zamor spheres (Inika, Piraka, Zamor packs...) the only rare one I have is a prototype metallic green one I won a year or two back in a contest here, though yours looks much cooler!

  5. I was in love with the originals, bouth all of them (except Santis for no reason) and I was so happy to see the Castle of Morcia that year under the christmas tree. The second year wasn't too bad, but I didn't enjoy the thrid as much, though it was still good.

  6. My four prototype pieces I recieved two years ago in a BZPower drawing (Gunmeat Gray/Gold Strakk helmet, PearlSilver/Gunmetal Gray Gresh weapon, Thok white/Mata Green Hordika gear arm, and a Pearl Dark Green Zamor sphere, like the ones in the packs)After that, probably my full set of original Toa Mata and original Tohunga from 2001.For ones I don't have - all the 2001 Rahi except for Nui-Rama (the only one I own) and Turaga Whenua, Nuja and Onewa, because I would have a complete 2001 collection with them.

  7. Over the past few weeks, I've been noticing something. Ever since BZPower's fourms went down several months ago, I started doing other things, not exactly BIONICLE related. And coming back, and having the fourms and reading and starting over again, I've realized my knowledge of BIONICLE has gone down quite a bit. For example, I almost said the Piraka didn't have elemental powers (Which, after Spirah's experiments with Skakdi, they can use in conjunction with another Skakdi, though due to their nature, this would rarely happen) Is anyone else having this? Or do I just hold myself to high standards? Also, if you have been noticing this, what's something you've forgotten you feel you really should know about BIONICLE?

  8. I did stuff with my life... played some Minecraft, got addicted to Pokemon (Kanto games, I'm playing LeafGreen) started making videos , starting several different walkthroughs of games, and I cried everytime I thought of the BZPower Fourms.... not really, but it's great to be back! EDIT: Sorry! I frogot we can't say the name of that site, man it's been too long.

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