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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. A bit. Just a bit alive.

  2. A few days late, but thanks!

  3. Absoloutly nothing. It would be kinda like me saying D'uh.

  4. Ah, poor Toa Tuhri.

    Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good... morning! :P

  5. All creds for the personal picture go to Konguparu.

  6. Alright, it's up. 8D

  7. Am I the only one who thinks Starbucks coffee tastes burnt?

  8. And I don't even read them... :P

  9. Angels Fall Down rocks. It's another one of my favs.

  10. Anywho, you mean. :)

    I am totally bored. You?

  11. Bacon taste good, but do you not how much fat is in that stuff? It's like eating fat smothered in fat with extra fat on top. *Shudders*.

  12. Being a zombie isn't very fun. Food judt doesn't taste as good as when you're alive.

  13. Blorg to you too, Haru. :)

  14. BTW, I posted the final chapter in TaoT.

  15. Bumblebee. You know, from Transformers? He's totally my favorite. *Huggless.*

  16. By posting.;P I'm not sure how I got that many so quickly... I just post when I want to...

  17. Bye bye depression! *Kicks it as far a way as possible.*

  18. Bye? Be ye going somewhere? And sorry about you not making it to the next round in BBC. I voted for you.

  19. Collide rocks. I've been looking around for some of their really old songs, and I'm liking them, too. Have you ever heard the song called Scarecrow? I think it's on their CD "Hey you, I Love Your Soul."

  20. Cool. *Huggles Bumblebee. Again.*

  21. Cool. *Irish tap-dances.*

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