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Toa Novu

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Status Updates posted by Toa Novu

  1. I be the Super Sheep.

  2. I don't know... I've been thinking about a shop for a while. It should be fun.

  3. I don't know... I've got a bunch more as well, and a lot of them tuned out pretty good. Especially a cute one of Bumblebee and a pen sketch of Screamer... You think I should post all of 'em?

  4. I feel so special. :P

  5. I got rid of age and birthday over a month ago. I just don't want to be handing out my age all over the internet.

    As for the living, I said currently. That means at this moment. If you watch that, it keeps changing. (Like I was in Middle-earth for a couple days.)

  6. I got the PM. Sent you one too. *giggle*

  7. I know so many people who have birthdays it's not even funny. (I think it's 17...)

  8. I know what you mean about the comments.

    The older stuff by Skillet isn't exactly bad, it's just not hard core.

  9. I like puppies. Hi Dex!

  10. I like the smell, I just don't like the taste. :P

  11. I love the song Alien Youth. Just. Plain. Awesome.


    Come on freaks, let's go!

  12. I might have to argue with that. Frank Perretti is an excelent mystery novelist.

  13. I should start some sort of club. :P

  14. I think I may get as many online hugs as I do real ones. :)

  15. I think I might change out my banner with one I drew of him... but it's in pencil, so I'm not sure...

  16. I wish a very Merry Christmas to the best mom on Bzpower. May your holidays be as great as mine are.

  17. I'd hug him, but he'd probably freak out about it.

  18. I'd poke you back, but I am not feeling in a pokey mood.


  19. I'm a hobbit! >'.'>

  20. I'm bored. Did you know that I am bored backwards is derob ma I? I didn't. /:-)

  21. I'm late to... Happy Christmas, and a Merry New Year!

  22. I'm working on to things at the moment. One is a basic head sketch of Vamprah, another is this random scene I came up with with a random Toa of light. Should have them both done soon... Hopefully.

  23. I'm... confused.

  24. If I get enough time to finish my drawing.

  25. If some many people are weird, then it becomes weird to be normal and normal to be weird. Therefor, I am the weirdest of all because I am the only normal among you and you are all normaly weird.

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