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Electro Nova

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Status Updates posted by Electro Nova

  1. Aww, gee thanks. *blushes like an cool dude*

  2. Yeah, that worked, I hope you can understand that NeosJet

  3. Ahh, I see Bzp blocked me saying that one, let me try this: D-a-m-n it, is my favorite Blink182 song.

  4. ###### it (growing up)

    is probably my favorite Blink182 song, so what's yours?

  5. not so familiar with Cartel, but Blink 182 rock. :P

  6. Yeah, I completely agree with that. :)

  7. 2. The DBZ Fighters any day. I play on RPG, fighting, racing and multiplayer most of the time, not so big on puzzle games though.

  8. Errmmm... it depends, give me some options and I'll tell you. :)

  9. Oh, no I do, just not as much as some other fighters.

  10. Errmm, yeah I guess, I do.

  11. My History teacher is just like that, it's weird how similar they are.

  12. Yeah, all old and deaf. Not very nice.

  13. Yeah, I know that feeling. ;)

  14. Fine I guess, only school today was a bit of a drag. You?

  15. Oh, think nothing of it, we're friends now anyway.

  16. Well, sorry guys, I live in the UK, England. Oh and I got your friend request MTM, it's ok by me.

    P.S. you get five stars from me :)

  17. Wow, I read half way through your comment and thought you were mad at me, but then read the rest and it's cool.

  18. Love the Kingdom Hearts pic, 5 stars from me. :)

  19. No idea, a friend sent

    it to me, it's a wallpaper for a psp, if that helps.

  20. You get 5 stars from me, nice avatar!

  21. 5 stars, love the Banners!!

  22. Awesome Mocs - 10/10 !!

  23. Thanks BFN, and why is it I always find myself saying thanks to you all the time?

  24. I mean I voted 5 stars!

  25. 5 STARS........ What, I like your page. :)

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