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Posts posted by Hukster

  1. Capcom may not include Megaman in SSB, but then that didnt stop nintendo from including Mr. Game and WatchBesides, once they shove in Sora and other KH stuff do you think a disney crossover would come next? you never know

    I honestly can't see how anyone from KH would be in the next Smash Bros. I know they have like one or two games in the Nintendo games, but I just can't see anyone from KH in the next game. WEEGEE
  2. Man I love this game series, my avatar shows my mains for Brawl, and then Ness for the other two games. And I'm totally excited for the new Smash Bros. like most of you are. :P I'm hoping to see more characters from EarthBound/MOTHER and F-Zero. Would also be cool to see Bomberman in it, and other characters from other Nintendo games. WEEGEE

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