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Comment Expired

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Status Updates posted by Comment Expired

  1. Aagh! you looked in my profile! Cool people don't look in my profile! World...turning...upside...down...


  2. Duh, playing Final Fantasy 12 Revenant Wings.

  3. -Kun is for masculine people and is like for workmates and male students who are friends, or girls calling males that as friends.

  4. -Kun ain't just student, Miyuki-san.

    And hi Tsukasa.

  5. *final fantasy victory music plays*

  6. Desu is a more polite way to say certain sentences, but when someone attaches it to every sentence, they become almost psychotically polite. Like Miliena Vashti from Gundam 00. See, this is where education cuts out and proper experience comes in.

  7. Yes, and desu is one of them.

  8. ...desu doesn't mean "to do". Desu is a polite honourific you attach to the end of a sentence.

  9. Actually, since Milena Vashti said that exact phrase in Gundam 00 two weeks ago, you are the one who is broken.

  10. Because I exist only to keep you from getting ahead of yourself.

  11. <.>

    You need to relacks.

  12. Nah he'll just explod.

  13. It makes Bfa Mirror Univers Bfa. With a Goatee.

  14. Dom is the greater Purple robot.

  15. *drill regenerates too*

    Wow, it's like a loop =D

  16. There's no Atomic Particles in a Gauss weapon. They rip stuff apart, not shoot stuff^^

  17. *drills through Ka accidentally* Whoops. Oh well, you'll be fine.

  18. *continues drilling*

  19. *saves romina with Drill-Charge, knocking Kativa back to his own blog* =3

  20. *miraculously survives and drills some more holes*

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