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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brickeens

  1. Brickeens
    I'm going to try and create a Toa Team that primarily comprises of female members. Because, well, more female BIONICLE characters = badly needed, and I can't recall ever seeing a Toa Team with more than one female member, which is pretty sad.
  2. Brickeens
    I think it can be best be described as working hard, getting sick, missing school, working even harder to make up for missing school, getting sick and missing more school, working even harder, getting even sicker, etc.
    I've always cared an awful lot about doing well in school, because how I perform in school is important later in life. I've always worked very hard in school.
    But what do I get for working hard? Depression. Health problems without solutions. Frankly, it isn't worth it. I feel like a shadow of myself every day, and I'd rather be left in peace to feel horrible than feel even more horrible with the pressures of school.
  3. Brickeens
    That actually went really well. Things weren't nearly as awkward as I thought they'd be, and I actually enjoyed myself.
    I'm very happy that things are off to a good start.
  4. Brickeens
    As I mentioned a few entries back, I'm going back to school for the first time in ages, although only for art classes. I start back today.
    So yeah, in an hour's time I'll be walking in that classroom door and seeing my old class for the first time in two years. This is going to be weird.
  5. Brickeens
    (Click for full resolution)
    It's that female Toa again, except hey, in color. It's been a long time since I've done a proper color picture.
    It's not that good, but it's a start.
  6. Brickeens
    So I mentioned before that an uncle of mine very kindly gave me a loan of an SLR camera. I actually haven't been posting any more of the pictures I've taken, so let me fix that. Here's a quick selection.

  7. Brickeens
    I say stupid things.
    Unfortunately, I'm paranoid, and because of that I've found some stuff which has people saying less than complimentary things about me on other websites because I said stupid stuff.
    And then I just feel like blowing my head off.
  8. Brickeens
    So next week I'm going there for the first time in ages. I'll be in regularly for art classes now.
    The first day back should be interesting, because all my classsmates haven't seen me in two years.
  9. Brickeens
    Over the past couple of years, I've repeatedly tried to design my own alter-ego, and after all this time I still haven't come close to a design that works for me. Considering I've designed a good few other characters without nearly as much trouble, you'd think designing myself wouldn't be so hard.
  10. Brickeens
    This wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Sumiki's Glatorian Kahi MOC. I saw the chest, thought "Needs less flat" and then this came out. Ironically, I think the chest on this is the worst part of the MOC.

    I know what you're all going to say - you're going to say "Brickeens?! What's that lime Kanohi doing there? Replace it with a teal or grey one!" But that's not happening, because once I get the necessary pieces, I'm giving this guy lime highlights. Teal and grey is pretty boring and would send me to sleep, so lime highlights all the way. Things will look a lot fresher.
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