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Posts posted by 16N1K4

  1. 16 minutes ago, Master Inika said:

    Nice. Looks pretty fearsome. Are you able to see out of it?



    It's not obvious with the lighting, but there are gaps in the build I can see out of. Removing the Glatorian head pieces that function as the eyes gives me close to full field of vision.

  2. 3 hours ago, Master Inika said:

    Very cool model. Are you able to see out of it?

    Thank you!

    It's not apparent in the photo, but there are gaps in the assembly that allow me to see through. There's naturally stuff directly in my field of vision, but they surprisingly don't create significant blind spots, so I see just fine with the mask on.

  3. Thank you!



    Also I think doing the "other weapons" is not quite possible as the gun is technically one for all of them. I guess you just switch shooting modes or something hahah.



    Whoops, I totally misremembered the weapon situation. I guess they're technically upgrades and not really new weapons.

    Perhaps the closest thing to a different-looking weapon is putting the drill on the gun, and I suppose the drone is kind of a weapon as well? In any case, I'd love to see more builds inspired by the game.

    Again, great work!

  4. Meloetta is one of my favorite Pokémon in terms of design, so I challenged myself to try and build a BrickHeadz version. I had limited resources to work with, so I had to bite the bullet in certain aspects of the design (this would be most noticeable with the pieces I used for the hands), but all things considered I think it turned out well. Let me know what you think!

    I also threw in my Meloetta figurine in each pic I took for comparison purposes.




    • Upvote 3
  5. I thoroughly enjoyed Axiom Verge when I first played it last year, and seeing this brought back some great memories! Trace himself is built impressively, but I think the highlight for me here is the Axiom Disruptor gun. The CCBS shells help capture how the weapon looks in the game, and I would really love to see builds of the other weapons from the game.

    Excellent work overall!

    • Upvote 1
  6. I forgot I even shared this on here. I'm honored to have a feature piece on my humble builds!


    Well my hype for Volume 5 has officially gone through the roof.


    What can I say?  These are sweet!  I love how you did Ruby - the scythe is cleverly built, and so is how you used those ribbed-texture bricks for her coat.  I think she's my favorite out of the whole group.


    Thank you very much, and I, too, share the hype for Vol. 5.


    These all look pretty nice. I do wish Blakes dress had less studs on it but otherwise I have nothing to complain about. Great job!


    Thanks! I'll see what I can do about smoothing out Blake's torso. 


    these are really great! my only criticism is that Ruby has black hair with red tips, not brown hair. a few red accents around her skirt would go a long way as well!


    Huh. I always saw Ruby's hair as dark brown until you mentioned it and I took a second look. Well, in any case, I intended to use a darker shade of brown for her hair, but I didn't have a lot of pieces in that color. I appreciate the advice!

    • Upvote 1
  7. I have a Panrahk sitting on a shelf above me as I type this. I look at that, then at this MOC, and I'm just stunned. The head and spine are so well-crafted that I find myself mesmerized at how natural and organic it looks. I absolutely love how it evokes the appearance of the Rahkshi in Mask of Light, but feels like some sort of Rakhshi Kal that's an even more terrifying monster than a garden variety Rahkshi. 

    No hyperbole: one of the best builds I've seen this YEAR. Phenomenal work.

    • Upvote 1
  8. My favorite memory is a fairly recent one, and will probably come off as rather biased.


    I rarely ever post on here despite being a long-time member, even during the time when I was on the forums regularly. On a whim, I thought to break the habit and decided to share a MOC of mine on the BBC forum. Next thing I know, I see it on the front page of the site. Something I made got a feature piece on a website. That was mindblowing to me.


    Aside from that, the mere act of browsing the forums whenever I have free time these days takes me back to the time when I would spend HOURS reading topic after topic when I was 11, and I find that just as valuable as a singular, standout memory. I may not be on here as often as I was then, but BZP has been and still is very much a part of my life for the better part of 10 years now. Here's to many years more!

  9. Very cute. I bet he looks awesome and fits right in along the other superheroes. There are a few problems I noticed, though. If you have a tan 1x4 tile, that would go a long way to streamlining him with the other BrickHeadz instead of those 1x2 plates. Also, his torso looks a little uninteresting. The other BHz do a lot with color and shape to hide the fact they're basically just blocks, and it doesn't look like there's a lot to do with Daredevil in particular, but you could do something with color (the images of him on Google show him with a lot of black in his color scheme; you could incorporate more of that).


    Overall, though, I do love him. The horns are my favorite part. I look forward to seeing more of these.


    I based the build on how Daredevil usually looks in the comics, where he dons a solid red suit that admittedly has nothing much going on appearance-wise. With that said, I really appreciate the advice, and I'll do my best to apply them in my future builds.


    Looks adorable, but I think he needs longer horns tbh. 


    Most of Daredevil's costumes have more subtle horns, but I do see where you're coming from. I'll see if I can find a good way to make them stand out.

  10. I am extremely honored to have my humble build featured on the front page of the site. I finally made it, mom!


    Impressive-the fingers are a bit more claw-like than the gauntlet usually appears, but for a Lego recreation this is amazing work.


    Thank you! I would have loved to build better fingers, but unfortunately I couldn't come up with a design that wouldn't fall off or otherwise look like a contrived mess.


    Really nice looking, but we need more photo's of this moc. What I can see so far looks good though.


    I'll try to upload more pictures soon, but full disclosure: there's not much to look at besides this angle.


    If you create more articulated fingers you have a winner.


    If I can come up with a design that didn't cut off the circulation to my fingers, that's definitely the next step I'm taking to improve this build.


    Haven't seen the movie, but this looks awesome. Very solid. It actually took me a second to find your hand in there.


    Thanks! The claw-fingers being smaller than my actual fingers kinda breaks the illusion of the entire thing being a glove, so I decided to clench my fist for this photo.


    It's wearable!  Impressive.


    Thank you!


    Awesome! Ooh, developing full fingers would be really neat. As is, the blades give it a sort of Wolverine-y effect.

    I just started hosting a 'Cosplay' category at BricksCascade for wearable MOCs, so this is exciting for me to see! If you consider going to a Lego convention, you should bring it to the Portland one. :D


    I'm glad you liked it! I would love to take this to a convention, but unfortunately I live nowhere near the US. :(

  11. I picked up a couple of BrickHeadz sets the other day and had so much fun building them, I decided to make a new character in the same style as the sets. For this first attempt, I went with Daredevil, one of my favorite Marvel characters:


    I plan to do more of these in the future, so let me know what you think!

    • Upvote 1
  12. Huh. Strange, I never noticed the resemblances to anything until other people mentioned them. I think it looks a whole lot more like Venom than Godzilla though.


    Definitely looks creepy, but cool at the same time. Perfect for a sadistic but soft-spoken character. Nice work.

    I didn't notice any similarities to anything else until people brought it up, either. Thank you!

  13. Now that's a cool and creative MoC. I like it a lot. :3 The solution for the eyes looks fantastic, as does the whole "black except for eyes and friendly smile"-concept you've got going.


    The one in your avatar looks to be a bit creepier though, as that train is headed straight for the Uncanny Valley. =D (you wouldn't happen to have a bigger image of that, too? :3)



    Thank you! And since people have been asking me about the mask in my avatar, I might share photos of that in the future once I find the files.


    Yup, I do want to sleep tonight. Just gonna browse one more topi- OH WHY


    I don't know where to begin. That is scary. Can you see out of that?

    Haha! I apologize for giving you insomnia. And yes, I certainly can see just fine wearing the mask. As I previously pointed out, I left multiple gaps at certain parts of the mask so my vision is not impaired (some of these gaps aren't visible due to the lighting in the picture).

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