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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by NecroticUnicorn

  1. Hi Tak, thanks again for the help with getting Heroes working!

  2. Hiya Blade!

    Just letting you know, I can't seem to comment in your blog. It said you would have to approve the comment before it appears, but that was several days ago. Are comments enabled? Just letting you know, *goes to think of entry for your contest*

  3. Hm. You know, I don't know.

  4. Hooray for Macgyver! =D

  5. I heartily agree. The more I watch old movies like Harvey, the more I realize how clever they really are.

  6. I knew you'd like it! =P

    Your cuteness is rubbing off on me. :D

  7. I love the avatar. :D

    Fancy Pants rules!

  8. Indeed, pleased, Kit Fisto is. :D

  9. It's because I went premier. :)

  10. Looks like the objective is complete. :)Congrats Kaxix!

  11. Much gratitude to you, Lucky Lavasurfer of Elite Status! =D

  12. No growl versions? That's strange, I think I've seen it online before. Anyhow, at least the album comes out in two more days. I'm already planning to stay up late so that I can buy it online as soon as I can. :D

  13. Or why not order a whole pallet and share them with all your friends? You'll be the talk of the town!

  14. Robust, silky smooth flavor with just a hint of iron.


  15. Skillet, it is the new coffee! (Or tea, in my case :P )

  16. So how have you been doing lately, Iranu?

    Long time since we last talked.

  17. Sure! If you want to, that would be great! :)

  18. Television's best everyday hero. ^_^

  19. Thanks for all your help in the theory!

  20. Thanks for voting for me! I appreciate it.

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