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Rangan Mercenus

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Status Updates posted by Rangan Mercenus

  1. Fortunately, I wasn't in the room at the time, so that throw was redundant XD, I call in an anti-mangosteen airstrike...

  2. But I am too awesome to be awesomed to death XD [/egotistical rant]

  3. Hi, I just came into this room *Looks around* why is there a Kitten and a chicken in the room?

  4. It's a secert, that's a hint ;)

  5. ...And now, Rangan Mercenus's Comments box chronicles heads in a new direction! As we head off to the Bizzarro Dimension :P .

  6. Dzu, I hope you're kidding around ;.;...

  7. I failz at snow balls? NOEEEES! That sig is awesome.

  8. Indeed, I am confused about this as much as you are...


  9. We haven't forgotten, LJ's just got a cold, and can't concentrate...

  10. I have absolutely no idea.

  11. And the voice actors retire and go to the secret project...

  12. And apparently, I've started a war O.o

  13. I take that as a "Yes", then.

  14. Must... resist... tomatoes... thrown... at... self... and... shelf...

  15. Actually, forget what I said just then, I'm going to continue the comics, and you can thank Omega for that.

  16. And the space was a spy

  17. So... analysis Doctor?

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