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Rangan Mercenus

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Status Updates posted by Rangan Mercenus

  1. Oh, the Irony! Is Your Dog Title Dark Puppy Sage?

  2. OMG! He's born over a month after me!

  3. Follow the red mangosteen road! And now we shall stop this Romance discussion.

  4. Well... I WAS planning on trying another go at The Mercenus Chronicles... but I need the motivation to do it.

  5. Because I'm like that and I had to keep myself busy before... the apocalypse... see these words as you see fit, but I do not mean the end...

  6. I'm doing some other characters, I think i'll go and do... a certain character which i have yet to reveal to the public...

  7. Okay, so my comics are on hold, but look on the bright side (hint: look at my sig for a preview of coming events)

  8. I was... asleep... until 12:00 AM

  9. *throws mangosteen at Kittens* *then proceeds to throw at Kittens: The shadow matoran* :P . *then throws a mangosteen at LJ, who just eats it in mid air*

  10. Planning a game, Thinkin' of the universe, wandering if a female voice actor may ever show up, writing...

    I dunno, What a crazy world we live in :P

  11. WELCOME TO THE LAND OF TOAST! AND CRUMPETS!... I'm feeling a bit depressed...

  12. Oh, and by the way, I've finished the new poster, and I'm telling you, it's the most epic Poster that I've made yet!

  13. Chuck norris needs no buckets, for he has hands THE SIZE OF FREAKING OUT TEXAS

  14. I third that agreement :P .


  15. Your disguise has become compromised! EVAC! EVAC!

  16. Oh, and it appears that many people are on holiday, so I heaven't been in contact with anyone...

  17. Right O.o, I can't even remember what I asked you to say...

  18. They're a crimson colour, and their fangs dig deeper :/. They also may give you a fate worse than death... Torture.

  19. I don't know about the camera, but Bradon is now available again (Chickened out) and Tapika wasn't voiced well enough...

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