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MT Zehvor

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Blog Entries posted by MT Zehvor

  1. MT Zehvor
    Mesonak has challenged us(the Zehvor) to a fight, written by probably Kagha. We haven't got all the details ironed out yet, although I do still have the lists of who is still a member of the Zehvor.
    Zehvor: MT(leader), Brenmac, Sonu, Levaicus, Tarakavaseargent, TLhikan, Dakama, Hovoki
    Kendan: Mesonak(leader), STM, Chaotic Being, TNM, Tridumst, Sumiki, U_K, Toa Spirit, Darth Sock, and Lewa0111
    So it looks like we're down 2 members, and after Dakama takes out Sock with one shot, we're down one.
    More details later.
    All Zehvor report here.
  2. MT Zehvor
    At the request of Mesonak, and because every time I add an entry it gets way off topic, I present the completely off topic thread, where you can talk about anything completely off topic.
  3. MT Zehvor
    Some of you may remember the potential set list Mesonak found on BZP, and the new Tahu that I later dubbed "Omega Tahu" after reports that it would be a huge version of Tahu Mata came out. Well, half of the rumors came true. There is an new Tahu Mata, but...it's...
    (Omega/Chibi Tahu)
    ...more like Chibi Tahu. I would LOVE this as an Agori/Av-Matoran set, but as one of the six main canisters? Not so much.
    Then again, reports are saying that stores are going to only charge $8 for them. I hope I missed something and they are going to come out with some canister sets, because Chibi Tahu/Takanuva/Gresh/Nokama/Skrall/Bomonga(although it will be cool to see what he looks like) isn't going to do it for me.
    More on this as it develops.
  4. MT Zehvor
    And so the blog continues.
    Not much happened on day 2, actually. After getting some new clothes to accompany me on my journey(just think, every Link ever has worn green because Skyloft knights prefer green in the summer), I left Skyloft via my bird and traveled down to the surface below. After running down a gigantic spiral, I activated some geyers, and then ran all the way back, after being informed of dowsing, which is the ability to use my sword to detect the direction of things. Dowsing was the term used for people who believed that there were magical sticks that could detect water...so it's an interesting choice of name, but whatever.
    I entered some temple, and met some weird old sage, who then pointed me in the direction of the Faron Words, which look a lot happier than they did in Twilight Princess(then again, so does everything). Ran around for a little bit before I met this odd penguin type creature with a flower on its back called a Kiwkii, or something like that. It told me to find a big fat Kiwkii. Found him, and then he told me to find 3 more Kiwkiis. Found them(this took a lot longer than it seems, mind you) and then went back to the big fat elder Kiwkii. Turns out by finding the location of his people, he gets the power to remember the location of Zelda. Lovely. Anyways, went the direction that he pointed in, and saved.
    Today: 0
    Playthrough: 0
    Thoughts: Game's picking up slowly, but surely. Slowly getting used to the sword controls. One thing I'm absolutely beginning to despise is the nunchuk's constant habit of getting reset, that is to say, it somehow has the position that it believes is neutral reset to either the left or right, which means when the joystick is not being touched, Link will run left or right, and when the joystick is moved, Link won't run normally. It's easily fixed, but the number of times it has happened is starting to annoy me. I don't think it's my nunchuk, it's never done this with this frequency in any other game...but maybe it's my equipment and not the game. I won't hold it against the game in my review.
    Second thing is...I'm kinda unimpressed with the graphics. Maybe it's just I never had an appreciation for impressionistic art, but I've been reading tons of reviews claiming this as the best graphics on the Wii. Really? These graphics are better than Metroid Prime 3? Don't think I can agree with that.
    I really do enjoy flying, though. I still wish you could fly via the nunchuk(although, given the amount of times it's messed up, maybe that's not the best), but the Wii remote is use-able. I also like how the surface areas in the game are more closed in: One thing I disliked in Twilight Princess was that there were all these wide open areas and then nothing in them. It seems in this game, Nintendo has only made their areas as big as they need to be.
  5. MT Zehvor
    K so, since I screwed up on Tuesday or something, I'm moving iBrow to Thursday in one of my previous two slots. So yaa.
    Here we go...
    First off is a preview of a new comedy, which I personally am looking forward to a lot.
    There's also some TvT stuff to be caught up on.
    There are three major storylines in Tahu vs. Tahu: Aftermath;

    The first stars Tahu Mata in an alternate 2009, trying to figure out why he suddenly doesn’t exist and also fix things
    The second stars Pridak, Mantax, Irnakk, and Kazi as they time-travel to 2001 to assassinate Tahu Mata, thereby causing the Tahu vs. Tahu war to not occur.
    The third stars Tahu Nuva as he defends against the returned tyranny of Tahu Mistika, who wishes to kill both him and Tahu Mata and then take over.

    ALMIGHTY, Nex 2.0, and Fire Lord will all return before the end of the season. Fire Lord will NOT be possessed by ALMIGHTY, so perhaps you’ll learn his true personality.Tahu Mata, Tahu Stars, Lewa Mata, and Takanuva Stars will also return before the end of the season. To follow them during their absence, you’ll have to read the Great Comedy Crossover.Tahu vs. Tahu: Aftermath will end the first of at least two Tahu vs. Tahu storylines. The second will begin in Season 4, and a sneak peek has been shown below.
    Season 4
    Yes, there is going to be a Season 4. Please note that any information on this season IS subject to change- it is VERY likely that not everything shown here will make it into the final cut. If you want proof, then I’ll tell you this: I went through about four different story drafts forTahu vs. Tahu: Aftermath before deciding on the one you guys get to see.
    Tahu vs. Tahu Season 4 Sneak Peek
    Tahu vs. Tahu Season 4 will star Tahu Mata, Tahu Stars, Lewa Mata, Takanuva Stars, Ehlek, Matau Metru, and four others as they attempt to find out just what has happened.
    Current subtitles I’m considering are Time, Reset, and Deconstruction. Let me know which one you guys prefer.
    Looks cool, iBrow. Season 4 is turning out to be very promising. KUTGW.
  6. MT Zehvor
    Another day, another couple complaints.
    But we'll get to that later.
    The day started out with heading deeper into the forest and finding a Goron archeologist I had met the other day. He explained something about goddess cubes, which are basically ways of unlocking treasure chests on floating islands in the sky that you can collect later. Anyways, killed some more red guys and made my way into the forest temple.
    Temple was pretty easy until I got about halfway through it, where I had raised the water in this room twice, but then was stuck on where to go. Couldn't figure it out, so I went and looked online, and, turns out, there were some dark green vines along this rather poorly lit wall. Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if the people who invent these puzzles come back to them later and even think that it might be nice to, I don't know, actually make the vines visisble?
    Or maybe my TV's just dark.
    Whatever. Killed some spiders(gotten a lot more annoying since Ocarina), one in particular that was dangling down from the ceiling right where I needed to stand, and, of course, kept it's weak point away from me. My patience got zapped really quick with this guy, so eventually I ended up spamming sword attacks and it worked out ok. Got out of that room, and went to another room, where I absolutely owned some stupid skeleton miniboss, and then got a bug for my prize.
    And it is an awesome bug. Though the controls are clunky(very, very clunky) it's quite useful. I can basically use it to collect anything out of reach(well, save for heart containers, they seem to be too hard for poor bug, but oh well).
    After some more walking, some annoying vines, and a temple key in the shape of an "h," I made it to the temple boss, who happens to be the "skinny, ghostly female" as described by Game Informer(good job researching your character's gender, Dan Ryckert). Anyways, this white lipstick wearing, Jar-Jar Binks tongued villain seems to be the only thing more emasculating than Groose's red mohawk, and he wasn't much of a challenge, either. Sword spam was more than a match for him, and he teleported away with a threat after the fight.
    And Zelda wasn't there(We're sorry, Link, but your princess is in another castle!)
    Soooo...looks like it's off to some volcano land. I sense lava.
    And hopefully a bow and arrows somewhere.
    Today: 0
    Overall: 0
    Thoughts: Just one main thing. I've been reading for about 3 months how "in Skyward Sword, if you try to rush into a group wildly waving your sword, you'll be destroyed. You'll have to be careful in using it and not spam it." Well...that's not true at all. I've been running up to groups of monsters, spinning my Wiimote around with no regard to tactics, and cutting my enemies to pieces, easily. That's what worked for the Skeleton miniboss, and it worked out pretty well for Girahem, as well. So...failure to all of you game preview sites, and especially you, Game Informer, for messing up twice now.
    I thought about just ignoring my easy kill option and going with the way that it's supposed to be done, holding your sword in one position, then quickly moving it to another and slashing your opponent, but quite honestly, it gets really boring after a while. And it's pretty ridiculous, too. Like some enemy with a pefectly working sword is just gonna stand there and block you for 30 seconds before he decides to take a swing at you. I mean, if this is the future...then please give me Twilight Princess's enemies where they would at least try to hit you. I've probably inflicted more damage by knocking spiders into myself than the enemies have by hitting me so far.
    Sooooo....not a big fan of the Wii motion plus stuff so far. It's early, I know, but the level that they've simplified the combat to to make it work...it's not worth it. Just flat out not worth it. I'm not advocating Zelda games be super hard...but this is pathetically easy. The only time I took damage in the Girahim boss fight was when I was trying to showboat with some of the fancier sword slices. If I had been actually using regular sword strokes, I probably would have come out of that fight without a single damage point. Do keep in mind this is my first playthrough, too. It's not like I've been playing this game multiple times and I've mastered all the tricks of the game. This is my first run through, and I'm running into most fights just swinging my sword randomly, looking for a hit(and, most of the time, getting the hit).
    Is this like easy mode or something?
  7. MT Zehvor
    So thanks to the new advertising policy, we are now allowed to link stuff.
    And thanks to BZP's anniversary, I have blog power for a bit.
    So with that...here's a link to a new chat run by BZPower members that we're trying to get going.
    Hope to meet you soon!
  8. MT Zehvor
    So thanks to the goodwill of one Mr. Mesonak I have a half year's worth of premiership, which I will use to…do stuff with…I guess.
    And the first item on that "do stuff" list is advertising an online Smash Wii U tournament some friends and I are putting together. Tenative ruleset is as follows:
    Double elimination
    FT3 games advances, with the exception of Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals, which are all FT4
    You can pick any stage/rule set if you both agree to it; otherwise, rules and stage selection are as follows
    3 stock, no time, no items
    Starter Stages: Battlefield, FD (and all Omega forms), Kongo Jungle, Halberd, Lylat Cruise, Smashville, Town and City, Duck Hunt, Pokemon Stadium 2, Delfino Plaza
    Counterpick Stages: SMG, Mario Circuit, Coliseum, Bridge of Eldin, Pilotwings, Luigi's Mansion, Wii Fit Studio, Skyloft
    First stage decided by random selection out of the starter group, loser picks stages from the entire pool thereafter, same stage can't be used twice in the same set (once FD/an Omega form is used, FD/Omega Form can't be picked again)
    If anyone wants to join, let me knowwwwww
  9. MT Zehvor
    The Vahki are up to their same old annoying plans to take over BZP. They have reformed here. And for all you freaking out people(Levacius, Mesonak) there is no war! This is just a report!
  10. MT Zehvor
    Well, the nominations are in, the votes have been cast, and the top 8 games have been selected via the choices of the good people who frequently visit this blog(or just showed up on that one entry). The matchups for the first round of playoffs have been determined.
    And they are:
    #1: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim vs. #8: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
    #2: Arkham City vs. #7: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
    #3: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword vs. #6: Minecraft
    #4: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception vs. #5: Portal 2
    Personally, I'm liking this bracket a lot. All of these games are incredibly close, I have no problem seeing the bottom 4 all move on, knowing all the people who like them. Not saying they all will, but it could happen.
    So anyways, here's how this works for those who don't know. Cast a vote for anywhere between 1 to all 4 of the matchups. The game in each matchup with the most votes at the end of the round will move on. If there's a tie...well...let's hope we don't have a tie.
  11. MT Zehvor
    This is a bit of an odd move for us, something we've never done before, so I assume it'll have some mixed reactions, and possibly a crash and burn ending(though I hope not). That said, it has a potential for a great turn out, and a chance to establish ourselves elsewhere on BZP than the comedy forum, so I'm willing to give it a shot.
    We are going to design an RPG for the Winter contest.
    Doing this just by myself is pretty troublesome, especially with the size I'd like to make this thing, so right now I'm currently looking for people to help out. Here's what we'll need:
    Character Design: (Designing friendlies, enemies, bosses. Probably will entail some MoCing)
    Cartographers: (NOT Halo Sonu. Anyways, mapping out regions and planets)
    Gameplay Design: (Basically working out the kinks in how the game will be played if it goes through voting. May include powerup design if that idea goes through)
    The RPG itself takes place 10,000 years after Makuta's death and Mata Nui's...um...trip to the Wizard of Oz or wherever he went. Anyways, during that time, the Matoran and Toa on Spherus Magnus have evolved into a space faring race, constructing massive spaceships to leave Spherus Magnus and visit the area beyond. They encountered new species on some of the planets, and, due to the wise leadership of Turaga Vakama and Dume, they managed to make peace gaining various new allies such as the Terna, a technologically enhanced species of aliens.
    Except that peace never lasts, or we wouldn't have a story. Recently, the Terna have apparently dropped all forms of communication with the other allies in the planet system, and have begun to use their technology to destroy the other species and wipe those species' home worlds clean.
    To respond to this threat, the inhabitants of Spherus Magnus, relying on their good relations with the Terna, sent out several powerful ambassadors, including the previous OoMN member Trinuma and the Glatorian/Toa Gresh, to try and reconcile their allies. All of the ambassadors have disappeared, and the Council of High Elders, the ruling body of Spherus Magnus, needs someone to travel to the planets and figure out what went on before deciding to declare war against the Terna.
    Enter...the player(s). The players will be given a spaceship to travel around to several worlds to try and find out what happened to Gresh, Trinuma, and others...and why the Terna have gone crazy. The farther progression in the game goes, the more planets(and landing sites on those planets) will be open to travel to.
    Anyways, with that said, I've got most of the planets figured out.
    Planet 1: Spherus Magnus(really only used for mission briefing and stuff, although it does play an important role mid game)
    Planet 2: Valderra(sort of a desert/fire planet combo)
    Planet 3: Acrilos(ice surface, but a lot of underground exploration makes this more of an Onu Koro than Ko Koro planet)
    More planets are hidden due to (SPOILERS REMOVED).
    Anyways, if anyone wants to help, send a PM my way or post here with whatever category(ies) you'd like to help in. Any help is appreciated.
  12. MT Zehvor
    So it's time once again(or, at least, close to time) for our game of the year awards, which is always decided by who shows up on this blog to cast a vote. In years past, it sometimes completely agrees with my opinion(Fallout 3 in 2008) and sometimes completely differs(Other M in 2010). Whatever the case, it's time to start nominating games for this year's best of show: Oh, and since there's no Metroid game up this time, perhaps there'll be a fair voting.
    Metroid has some ridiculous history of winning on this blog and back when the Boxtus awards weren't on BZP.
    Anyways, here's how we're doing it this year: The top 4 seeds in the contest are determined by the overall critic rating on Metacritic, a non-forum game site that compiles ratings by most major game critics and averages them out. I then take those scores, and average them with the user ratings to determine which games have the highest ratings. The bottom 4 seeds are determined solely by Boxtus fans nominations and then voting: Who would you like to see in this?
    (NOTE: No re-releases of any kind are allowed. Remakes, however, are)
    The top 4 seeds for this year are, in order...
    #1: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim(9.2 Average, PC, 360, PS3)
    #2: Batman: Arkham City(9.1 PC, 360, PS3)
    #3: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword(9.0, Wii)
    #4: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception(8.7, PS3)
    So get nominating!
  13. MT Zehvor
    Well...this is finally up. Not that many surprises in the first round of the playoffs, as Skyrim, Arkham City, Skyward Sword and Portal 2 won fairly easily.
    Which makes the 2nd round look like this:
    #1 Skyrim vs. #5 Portal 2
    #2 Arkham City vs. #3 Skyward Sword
    Remember the rules, you can vote for one game per matchup. You can either vote in both matchups or one. Games with the most votes at the end of the round move on to the championship.
  14. MT Zehvor
    Outside of liking coffee, this is probably the thing I have received the most criticism on this blog for. Not being obsessed with Mario and giving it "ZOMG 10/10 RATINGS THIS IS THE BEST THING EVUURRRRRR." Well, today, I think I shall take some time to explain why I plain, flat out, don't like Mario, and why I think that 1st person series games such as Halo(that everyone stereotypes as stupid story-lineless sauce), and other Nintendo franchises such as Metroid and Zelda, are all better than Mario.
    Story: "SAVE THE PRINCESS!!!" HOORAY. The most original storyline ever!!! Save a princess! Where has "save a princess" been used before, you ask? Gee, just maybe in EVERY FAIRY TALE EVER. So their story's unoriginal. And yeah, while some games can pull off an un-original storyline and still make it ok, the whole main problem with the storyline is that IT'S BEEN THE EXACT SAME THING since the 1980s. 30 years now of the same dumb storyline. Heck, they haven't even tried to change the main villain. It's still a fat turtle/dinosaur combination that takes no more effort to defeat than he did back in 1981 or whenever the heck it was, where all the battle entailed was jumping on an axe. But that's gameplay.
    The enemies(smaller enemies) are really just as stupid. Jump on a turtle! Yay! I'm having so much fun! Oh look, LET'S PUT WINGS on a turtle and it'll be awesome!!! Ok, yeah, they aren't meant to be scary, but the thing is Mario villains, and really any character, is nothing short of flat out stupid, and the reason why ANYONE can enjoy this is beyond me.
    Gameplay: Well, gameplay, not story, is what determines the true quality of a game, amirite? Sadly, the gameplay's just as dumb and unoriginal. Jumping on people has gotten just as old as the same old story over the past 30 years, and the special "upgrades" that they stick in game either make the game way too easy(fire) or they're just so stupid they're not even fun to use(cloud). The Galaxy additions really haven't done anything to help, especially 2, which I still don't see WHY everyone rants over it. Was it a good game? Yeah, it was "good" in the sense that it was good for a game with no story, but it was nowhere near a 10/10.
    In addition, the boss fights are so easy they're not even fun. Take Galaxy 2, the "ZOMG 10/10 WE LUV IT." The giant worm boss is so pathetically easy it can literally be beaten in 20 seconds(not including cutscenes). And you don't need to be any sort of master at the game to do it either. Also, they re-used the same boss fight THREE TIMES. If that isn't the definition of un-originality, I don't know what is.
    Now, for why the other games I've stated are better.
    Firstly, other games attempt to have a story, and they attempt to make it original. I find it hilarious how Mario fans stereotype Halo as being a regular shooter, when in fact it's easily dozens of times more diverse in it's story and gameplay than Mario will ever be.
    First, I'll focus on story. Halo's story is so large and expansive that it has a freaking series of BOOKS written about it. Metroid has a story that books could be written on if the series was popular enough. Same with Zelda, although I will admit Ganon is getting repetitive. Mario is the only Nintendo franchise where there is no attempt at any sort of original story whatsoever, and that makes it way less exciting to play.
    Now for gameplay. Halo involves shooting. It also involves flying and driving, as well as choosing the right tactic to get through an area. "Do I sneak through? Go in on a blaze of glory? etc. etc." Mario is the same thing every single time. Run through an area, don't get hit by Boos, jump on a Koopas head. Boring. The powerups do very little to relieve boredom. Jumping on clouds? Whoopee. Rolling into a ball? Metroid beat you on that one by about 23 years. Wasn't all that entertaining then, sure as heck isn't now. Flying? Hooray, we just made the pathetic difficulty even EASIER.
    Metroid is a prime example of diverse gameplay. There's exploring segments. There's puzzle solving segments. There's fighting segments, and there's a fun and unique story in it as well. With Mario, there's no exploring. There's always a straight, single direction to go to, and while you can replay levels, it gives this annoying feel that you're always being forced in the same direction. It's way too linear for a game that has this little uniqueness.
    And in short, that's why I dislike Mario, think it's the most overrated thing ever, and I'm out.
  15. MT Zehvor
    Potential Threat Assessment.
    Again, most of you knew this already, but I'm keeping an eye on the Bohrok group who apparently are the successors of the Vahki.
    As of 1-29-09 they are not active, still trying to come together. I wonder what they'll be trying to do this time, still no word on that or who their leader is.
    More later.
  16. MT Zehvor
    I've heard a lot recently over the past few weeks about both the Metroid Prime series and the Halo series. So I've decided to make a little competition. We're going to have a number of fights between characters in both series, and the game series with the most winners at the end wins the "challenge."
    Round 1: Common Villians: Space Pirates vs. Covenant
    Space Pirates, from what I've seen, really only carry a few weapons around, such as scythes, guns, and this weird grapple shield thingy in MP3. The Covenant carries a wide selection of weapons, (gravity hammer, energy sword, spiker, energy rifle) and there are a lot of different varieties(Elites, Grunts, Brutes, and those STUPID HUNTERS!!!!). I think the only problem the Covenant would have is the Omega Pirate and Ridley, and they could probably do away with those two in the end.
    EDGE: Halo(Barely)
    Round 2: Main Antagonist: Dark Samus vs. Gravemind
    It's on, as one person the size of a regular human take on a huge entity which has a really annoying tendency to yell things in Master Chief's ears throughout the course of Halo 3. I think that Dark Samus wouldn't really stand much of a chance, although even with it's(wears a girl's suit and laughs like a man, what are you supposed to call it? A he-she?) annoying tendency to come back to life, Gravey might have to win about a couple dozen times before getting the edge.
    EDGE: Halo
    Round 3: Best Friend: Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson
    I was a little more than angry when both Rundas and Johnson died(Rundas on Bryyo and Johnson just before Chief lights the ring), and now the two get to come back from the dead to fight it out for the most powerful best friend in the game. Rundas controls ice, rides around the room like the silver surfer, and saves you from hitting the bottom of a 16,000(I believe) yard shaft on Norion. Johnson doesn't really have anything to contend up with that. This is sort of a mismatch, in my opinion.
    EDGE: Metroid (Halo leads 2-1)
    Round 4: Secondary Villains: Metroids vs. Flood
    Metroids are supposed to be one of the main enemies in the whole Metroid series, but they kind of got left out in MP2 and MP3. The Flood really only made a huge appearance at the end of Halo 3 after the Arbiter kills the Prophet. So who would win? The Flood, as annoying as they are, have a problem. The Metroids only have to latch onto them and then they're basically dead since they can't roll up into a Morph Ball and plant a bomb. So the Flood will have to be really good at keeping them at bay or they won't last very long.
    EDGE: Metroid (Tied 2-2)
    Final Showdown: Samus Aran vs. Master Chief
    Everyone's been waiting for this, right? Of course. To me, there are three things that go in Samus' favor, although the fight could end in either one winning, I guess.
    #1: Throughout the Prime series and all Metroid games, Samus collects a lot of energy tanks, meaning that if you fully armed both of them and sent them into an arena, Samus would have about 15 times the health Chief has. And no matter how many rockets Chief could fires off, he would last about a minute at most.
    #2: A lot of Samus' weapons(Plasma Beam, Nova Beam, Ice Beam) have unlimited ammo. Which means that if she could dodge Master Chief's attacks, it would definitely be an easy kill. The only thing she seems to be limited in is missiles and the beams from MP2(Light, Dark, Annihilator), and she has about 250 of those at the end of the game, so it's not like she'd be running short. Chief, on the other hand, starts with 32 assault rifle, his most powerful weapons only have about 6 shots in them, so he'd have to be very careful on when to use them.
    #3: Samus has this little feature where she curls up into a ball and can roll around the room(hence the name "Morph Ball"). She has a number of attacks in this, the bomb, power bomb, and my personal favorite (only in MP3) the Hyper Ball. As if this fight was going bad enough for Chief already.
    After seeing that, you could make a case that therefore Chief does more than Samus with less. But you have to remember that the Prime series is filled with huge boss fights, such as Mogenar, Omega Pirate, Emperor Ing, AU 313, Meta and Omega Ridley, and a number of fights against Dark Samus. So, as for who would win a fight in their own armor? My money is on Samus. Who really is the better fighter without armor? We may never know, since stupid Bungie will never give Chief a face.
    EDGE: Metroid(who wins 3-2)
    Am I right? Am I wrong? Do I have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about? Vote here for who you think would win:
    #1 Space Pirates vs. Covenant
    #2 Dark Samus vs. Gravemind
    #3 Rundas vs. Sgt. Johnson
    #4 Metroids vs. Flood
    #5 Samus vs. Master Chief
  17. MT Zehvor
    Well, it's time for the championship. Hooray. We started with 8 and are down to 2. And once again, it's Halo vs. Metroid, Samus vs. Mast...well....ok, a Spartan...and a bunch of birthday party grunt skulls vs. something that I'm not 100% sure Metroid has a comparatible too. Just to make a point about how EPIC this is(not rly but w/e) lemme remind you what happened in 2004, when Metroid Prime 2: Echoes got past Halo 2 to win the title, and then again in 2007 when Metroid Prime 3: Corruption slipped past Halo 3 for a spot in the championship. So Halo's got a bit of lost time to make up for.
    Obviously Reach is a big favorite here. How this ends up, I'm interested to see.
    Halo Reach vs. Metroid Other M
  18. MT Zehvor
    After some consideration, I have decided that the blog and it's popularness(or lack thereof) isn't worth the $13 or whatever dollars it is for PMship. So after my PMship runs out for this year, Boxtus will be closed until further notice.
  19. MT Zehvor
    So just like last December (but hopefully a bit more cohesively this time), some friends of mine and I will be hosting a staggered, double elimination Smash Bros Wii U tournament that'll be taking place over the summer.
    Before going into detail, though, let me break down a bit of what that means.
    Staggered means taking place over a long period of time as opposed to all in one day or one weekend. Basically this just means that it'll be over the summer, with players playing about one match per week, in order to allow for the largest amount of people to play. We all have different schedules, and while I'd love to host something in a small window of time, it seems like there is basically no good time that everyone can show up in.
    Double Elimination means that you can lose twice before being knocked out, so if the RNG gods stick you with a tough matchup in the first round, don't worry. You won't get eliminated until you lose twice. This is different than a consolation bracket, because here, even if you lose, you still have a shot at winning the tournament as opposed to simply winning some sort of runner up award.
    Ruleset's fairly straightforward, 2 stock, 6 minutes, no items, first to 3 wins wins the match, counterpicking stages after the first match. Stage List will be posted at a later date.
    The tournament itself will begin in late May...which then brings up the question of why I'm advertising it in early April. The reason for that is...my PMship expires sometime soon and I'm not sure when.
    If you're interested and/or have questions, let me know.
  20. MT Zehvor
    Being close to the end of the year and all, I thought I'd make a list saying what TV has taught us in the past year(or years):
    -99% of Americans are, in fact, not as smart as a 5th grader
    -90% of 5th graders aren't as smart as a 5th grader either
    -Dish Network, Comcast, and DirecTV all have more HD channels than each other at the same time
    -It's perfectly normal to dress up like Vikings and take goats on skiing trips
    -HeadOn is, in fact, mant to be applied to the forehead
    -The most pressing issue in America is saving money on a pickup truck
    -Saving money on your car insurance is second
    -Ford is a popular truck company
    -GM is really sorry for screwing up
    -So is BP
    -So is Toyota
    -Singing rock songs about how much you love your bank is probably not gonna make you a popular artist
    -Don't run out of Dorito chips when crossing a street, or you will be pancaked by a bus
    -Plastic surgery is perfectly normal
    -Geckos can actually hold much more in their invisible pockets then you would think
    -There are at least 5 dozen different animals/company icons responsible for saving Christmas
    -Singing the catchy tune of your car insurance company can provide you with a hot tub
    -Bud Light can't make you fly
    -Eating a Snickers will save you from heatstroke if you're AC fails in the summer
    -Pressing a tiny red button with "Staples" written on it will automatically provide you with anything your heart desires
    -The NFL has an "official" company of everything
    -And, finally, the Mac vs. PC commercials are never to return. CRYING FACE. Curse you iPad.
  21. MT Zehvor
    So yaa I lied. Again. I'm good at that.
    Instead of Monday or Thursday, Omegafest will begin on Tuesday, with the iBrow day. After that I'm not entirely sure, but there will be a couple of TBTTRAH days thrown in there to show some of the new stuff I've been working on(and believe me, there's a lot of new stuff).
    If you want to secure a day, just post here and say which day. Otherwise I'll assign one to you.
  22. MT Zehvor
    Tahu: Hello again. I am Tahu, and I will be filling in for Omega Turtle today because I am Tahu and I'm the only one here that knows anything about the NFL. Why do we need to know about that? Because it's Super Bowl week, and we have a Super Bowl edition! We have a great lineup of contestants, Mesonak, Gadunka, Tarakavaseargent, and Kraakaan. How are all of you doing today?
    Mesonak: I will win! Even I have to kill you all to do it!
    Gadunka: Gadunka.
    Tarakavaseargent: Wait...is this microphone working?
    Kraakaan: Where am I again?
    Tahu: Yeah...this is going to go great. You know the rules, 3 downs, then we eliminate someone, then after 4th down we have the 2nd cut. After that is the showdown, where I will cheat horribly to get whoever I want to win. First down.
    Kraakaan: Oh no.
    Tahu: Who are you picking to win the Super Bowl?
    Gadunka: Gadunka. (-1)
    Tahu: Uh...ok.
    Mesonak: I'll take Arizona. (-1)
    Tarakavaseargent: Pittsburgh? (-1)
    Kraakaan: Uh...no one? (-1)
    Tahu: All bad picks.
    Kraakaan: Then what IS a good pick?
    Tahu: The New England Patriots! Duh!
    Kraakaan: They aren't even in the Super Bowl(MUTE, -1)
    Tahu: Sorry. Bad logic.
    Mesonak: Uh...I'll give it a shot.
    Tahu: Go ahead.
    Mesonak: The Patriots are the greatest team ever and Tom Brady is the best quarterback ever and everyone should love them.
    Tahu: (slams his hand on a table) AMEN!!!!!!! (begins giving Mesonak points like crazy)
    Mesonak: Sweet. 99 points.
    Tahu: Anyone else?
    Tarakavaseargent: Hang on...(reaches over and pulls a Patriots' sweatshirt on)
    Tahu: Great argument! Wonderful logic! (gives Tarakavaseargent 99 points)
    Tarakavaseargent: Don't mean to be rude or anything, but 99 is kind of a weird number. Why 99 points?
    Tahu: Because this stupid counter won't go into three digits.
    Kraakaan: This is stupid. Why can't we have a reasonable-(MUTE, -1)
    Tahu: Because you're with me, that's why. Second Down: What do you think of the Super Bowl Logo?
    Mesonak: Uh...it's good, but it would be better if it were a Patriots' logo.
    Tahu: You guys are some of the best ever at this. Here..let me do this. (begins to tape a piece of paper onto Mesonak's scoreboard)
    Mesonak: Uh...what does that say?
    Tahu: Infinity.
    Mesonak: Whoa...awesome.
    Kraakaan: That's unfair! I protest-(MUTE, -1)
    Tahu: *sigh* doesn't learn..
    Gadunka: Gadunka.
    Tahu: Excuse me?
    Gadunka: Gadunka. (holds up a sign saying "Goo Paetroits!
    Tahu: Uh...it's a step in the right direction... (gives Gadunka +10)
    Gadunka: GADUNKA!!!!
    Kraakaan: Hold on...this is just a test...
    Tahu: Go ahead.
    Kraakaan: Patriots suck-(Gets muted and immediately removed from the game)
    Tahu: So long, Kraakaan, your stay was brief and we won't miss you, Patriot hater.
    Gadunka: Gadunka!
    Tahu: Tarakavaseargent? Anything from you?
    Tarakavaseargent: Uh...go Patriots?
    Tahu: Greatest response ever! (Sticks a sign reading "infinity" on Tarakavaseargent's score)
    Gadunka: Gadunka...
    Tahu: Sorry. 3rd down: Who were you pulling for to win the Super Bowl this year?
    Tarakavaseargent: Patriots.
    Mesonak: Patriots.
    Gadunka: Gadunka.
    Tahu: Uh..sorry Gadunka. The first two had the correct response.
    Gadunka: (slams his fists on the table repeatedly to show his frustration at not being able to say any words other than "Gadunka")
    Tahu: Now, now, there's no reason to be mad at a wrong answer! Everyone makes mistakes!
    Gadunka: GADUNKA!!! (smashes his table in half)
    Tahu: Maybe he's a perfectionist...oh well. 4th down: Who is going to win the next 4 Super Bowls?
    Mesonak: The Patriots.
    Tarakavaseargent: The Patriots.
    Gadunka: *sob*
    Tahu: Oh well...sorry Gadunka...it looks like you're gone. And now, showdown!
    Mesonak: Awesome...
    Tarakavaseargent: Victory will be mine!
    Tahu: Who is the best team in the NFL?
    Mesonak and Tarakavaseargent: The Patriots.
    Mesonak: I just said that!
    Tarakavaseargent: I said it first!
    Mesonak: No, you didn't.
    Tarakavaseargent: Fine. The NEW ENGLAND Patriots.
    Tahu: Tarakavaseargent wins the point! Now, who-
    Mesonak: The New England Patriots.
    Tarakavaseargent: Tom Brady.
    Tahu: I was going to ask who will eat the rest of this sandwich for me.
    Tarakavaseargent: Oh. Well, I will.
    Tahu: Wrong! The answer is always something having to do with the Patriots! Mesonak wins! Next question: should I let Tarakavaseargent win?
    Mesonak: No!
    Tarakavaseargent: Patriots!
    Tahu: Right answer! Tarakavaseargent wins! How do you feel?
    Tarakavaseargent: Well, I'll help you finish that sandwich, if you want.
    Tahu: Ha ha...you wish. Well, that's it, next week that stupid turtle will be back to run things...and remember...Boston Sports rule...your teams suck.
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